The books kept by the Village Treasurer shall at all times show the exact condition of the moneys under his control, of each account and appropriation, and of all receipts and disbursements, and such books together with all others in his custody and belonging to the Village shall be by him delivered to his successor. He shall keep a separate account for each fund or appropriation, stating at the head of each account the amount so appropriated, and giving the several debits and credits belonging thereto.
   The books of account provided for herein shall be properly balanced at least once in each month, in such a manner that the same, when so balanced, shall show the true status and condition of each and every account therein shown.
   All books, papers, vouchers, warrants, documents and all other instruments in writing appertaining to the office of Treasurer shall be kept at his office within the Village, which books and documents shall at all times be open to the inspection of the President, the Trustees and the Village Clerk. The Treasurer shall keep such books of account as are herein provided and as the Board of Trustees shall from time to time direct.