The Village Manager shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Village and shall supervise and exercise general authority over all Village departments, department heads, Village employees, general offices of the Village, and other administrative departments, offices and activities that may be created by ordinance or established by the Board of Trustees, unless provided otherwise by ordinance or action of the Board of Trustees. The Village Manager shall be answerable only to the Board of Trustees.
   The Village Manager shall work and cooperate with all Village officials and employees and the attorneys, accountants and other consultants representing the Village, and such persons shall render to him the assistance and shall furnish him the oral or written information and material relating to the affairs of the Village as he may request.
   In addition, the Village Manager has the following specific powers, duties and functions:
   1.   He shall enforce the laws and ordinances within the Village.
   2   He shall exercise control of all departments and divisions of the Village created by the Illinois Municipal Code and by any section of this Chapter or any other ordinance of this Village.
   3.   He shall have all the powers and exercise all the duties granted in the Illinois Municipal Code to municipal clerks and comptrollers with respect to the preparation of a report of the estimated funds necessary to defray the expenses of the Village for the fiscal year for the consideration of the President and Board of Trustees prior to the preparation of the annual budget ordinance.
   4.   He shall appoint and remove all officers who are not required to be elected by Article 3 of the Illinois Municipal Code, except Officers appointed through Civil Service and except the Village Treasurer and the Deputy Clerk. (Ord. 3416, 9-5-00)
   5.   He shall be responsible for, and have the authority to recruit, interview, employ or terminate the employment of all Village employees. Such responsibility and authority shall include all department heads and the Chief of Police.
   6.   He shall act as a business manager for the Village and as such shall work with all Village departments to coordinate and supervise the administrative work of each department.
   7   He shall be the purchasing agent for the Village except where specific provisions to the contrary are made by Village ordinance. As such, he may issue rules and regulations governing requisitions and the transaction of the business of purchasing between himself as purchasing agent and the heads of departments, officers and employees of the Village. As purchasing agent, he shall have the authority and duty to seek qualified vendors to supply the Village and any department, board or officer thereof with needed materials, equipment, services and insurance and purchase same subject to the following restrictions:
      i.   No purchase, lease or agreement for contractual services may be entered into or made, the cost of which exceeds the unexpended and unencumbered amount in a budget category, until and unless the Board of Trustees has increased that budget category.
      ii.   The Village Manager may enter into leases on behalf of the Village or agreements for contractual services needed by the Village or any department, board or officer thereof, but any such lease or contractual service agreement of greater than one year's duration shall require prior approval by the Board of Trustees.
      iii.   Leases or agreements for contractual services of one year or lesser duration shall be subject to the limitations specified below.
      iv.   For a purchase or lease of materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance, the cost of which is less than $25,000, the Village Manager shall request price quotations from several vendors or service providers, unless only a single source is available, and choose from among them as he/she may determine is in the best interests of the Village. The Village Manager may, in his/her discretion, delegate to a Village Department Head the authority to purchase or lease materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance, the cost of which is less than $5,000, except that the Village Manager may, in his/her discretion, delegate to the Finance Director the authority to purchase or lease materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance, the cost of which is $5,000 or more but less than $15,000. No such purchase or lease, the cost of which is equal to or greater than $25,000, shall be made or entered into by the Village Manager without prior approval by the Village Board of Trustees.
      v.   For a purchase or lease of materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance, the cost of which is $25,000 or more, the Village Manager shall advertise for and receive sealed bids and shall present said bids, together with his/her recommendations, to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration. The requirement for sealed bids is not required for a purchase or lease of materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance which is not, by its nature, adaptable to the bidding process, such as professional service contracts or contracts where there is only a single source available. The requirement for sealed bids may also be waived by the Village Board of Trustees by a vote of two-thirds of the Trustees then holding office. If the requirement for sealed bids is not required or waived, the Village Manager shall request price quotations and present these to the Village Board of Trustees.
      vi.   The Village Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, delegate to the Village Manager the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the Village for the purchase or lease of materials, goods, equipment, services or insurance, the cost of which is $25,000 or more, which contracts have been approved by the Village Board of Trustees. A purchase order for goods and services, the cost of which is less than $10,000 and which purchase order contains all required terms and conditions, may serve as a contract. However, a purchase order for a public works project may not serve as a contract.
      vii.   In connection with any work or public improvement bid or proposal, the Village Manager, or his/her designee, shall fix the amount of any performance bond or any labor and material payment bond and in circumstances deemed appropriate by the Village Manager he/she may waive the requirement of a performance bond and/or labor and material payment bond. (Ord. 4204, 11-20-06; Amd. Ord. 5506, 5-4-20)
   8.   He shall coordinate the management of the Village Hall and all other Village buildings, facilities and properties, provide necessary facilities for the operations and purposes of all boards and commissions of the Village and keep a current inventory of all real and personal property of the Village.
   9.   He shall coordinate all Village operations affecting more than one department, office or officers; he may, if he deems necessary, with the consent of the President and Board of Trustees, consolidate or combine offices, positions or departments within the Village.
   10.   He shall submit, or cause to be submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, monthly and annual written reports of the activities and financial status of all Village departments and operations under his management. The annual report shall be submitted within thirty (30) days following the end of each fiscal year.
   11.   He shall attend all meetings of the Village Board of Trustees and committees thereof, unless excused therefrom. He shall be entitled to notice of all meetings, regular and special, of the Village Board of Trustees and shall have the privilege of taking part in the discussion of all matters before the Village Board of Trustees in a consulting and advisory capacity. He shall not have the right to vote.
   12.   He shall, as required from time to time, provide reports and general information to the members of the Board of Trustees.
   13.   He shall advise, and as necessary, provide assistance to all duly constituted boards, commissions and advisory committees of the Village.
   14.   He shall be responsible for the preparation and release of newsletters, brochures, articles and other informational sources in order to keep the public informed on the activities of the Village government and shall make himself available to the residents and business community of the Village and work with the public to receive suggestions and to hear, investigate and attempt to resolve complaints relating to matters concerning the administration of the government of the Village and the services rendered by the Village.
   15.   He shall, as directed by the President and Board of Trustees, represent the Village in matters concerning the Village and other governmental entities.
   16.   He shall perform such other duties and services consistent with the laws of the State of Illinois and the ordinances of the Village, as the President and Board of Trustees may from time to time direct or delegate, including any ordinance amending this Section which expands, diminishes or otherwise modifies the provisions of this Section which the President and Board of Trustees may from time to time adopt. In addition to the powers, duties and functions of the Village Manager as purchasing agent for the Village as set forth in paragraph 7 above, the Village Manager or his/her designee shall have the authority to execute written contracts on behalf of the Village following approval of the actual contracts, or following approval of the essential terms of such contracts, by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 4622, 2-21-11; Amd. Ord. 5231, 10-16-17)