City Council
   30.01   Meetings
   30.02   Presiding officer, Mayor pro tem and temporary chairperson
   30.03   Roll call; compelling attendance of absent members
   30.04   Quorum; order of business
   30.05   Powers and duties of presiding officer
   30.06   Powers and duties of members
   30.07   Right of nonmembers to address Council
   30.08   New business; deferment of committee reports
   30.09   Debates
   30.10   Call of member to order
   30.11   Appeals from decisions of chair
   30.12   Question of personal privilege
   30.13   Voting
   30.14   Special order of business
   30.15   Enactment of ordinances and resolutions
   30.16   Reading of motions, resolutions, ordinances, minutes and correspondence
   30.17   Withdrawal of motions and resolutions
   30.18   Division of questions
   30.19   Record of motions and resolutions
   30.20   Taking and entering votes
   30.21   Announcement and changes of vote
   30.22   Precedence of motions
   30.23   Journal; minutes
   30.24   Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised
   30.25   Temporary suspension of rules; amendment of rules
   30.26   Censure and expulsion of members
   30.27   Minutes of meetings
   30.28   Verbatim records of closed meetings
   30.29   Style of ordinances
   30.30   Voting
   30.31   Approval or veto of ordinances by Mayor
   30.32   Record of ordinances
   30.33   Publication and display of ordinances
   30.34   Time of taking effect; emergency measures
Composition of City Council and Elections
   30.40   Composition of City Council; election; functions
   30.41   Election of City Clerk, Treasurer
   30.42   Election schedule and taking office
   30.43   Elections; terms of office; city wards
Code of Conduct
   30.45   Declaration of policy
   30.46   Definitions
   30.47   Prohibited political activities
   30.48   Gift ban
   30.49   Gift ban exceptions
   30.50   Disposition of gifts
   30.51   Prohibited personal financial interest in contracts; adoption by reference
   30.52   Whistle blower protection
   30.99   Penalty