(A) Regular meetings of the Mayor and Council shall generally be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month; however the Council will meet a minimum of at least once a month. Each meeting shall be held in the Council chambers of the City Hall, located at 15440 South Central Avenue. Meeting dates and times will be scheduled at the discretion of the Council. Advanced notice of any council meeting date ro time change will be provided to the public through the City’s website and posting notice of such time change in the City Clerk’s office in City Hall.
(B) Any regular meeting falling on a legal holiday shall be rescheduled at the discretion of Council.
(C) Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by any three members of Council by filing a written request or notice therefor with the City Clerk at least 60 hours prior to the time specified for the meeting. At least 48 hours’ written notice of the special meeting shall be given by the City Clerk, which notice shall specify the time and purpose of the meeting and be delivered to each member of Council personally if he or she can be found, and if he or she cannot be found, then by leaving a copy of the notice at the home of the Council member in the presence of an adult member of the family of the member. The City Clerk shall cause an affidavit showing service of the notice, as provided in this section, to be filed inhis or her office prior to the time fixed for the special meeting, together with a statement of compliance with the provisions relating to notices to members of the media, as provided in the Open Meetings Act, ILCSCh. 5, Act 120, §§ 1 et seq. (1993), as amended. Any special meeting attended by all of the members of Council shall be a regular meeting for the transaction of any business that may come before the meeting if all members so agree. All meetings of Council shall be held in the City Hall, including special and adjourned meetings, and all meetings, except executive sessions, shall be open to the public, as required by statute.
(D) Committee of the Whole meetings may be scheduled when appropriate. The Committee of the Whole format may be utilized to discuss general items of business, or discuss legislative matters prior to placement upon the regular meeting agenda.
(2000 Code, § 2.02.010) (Ord. 2327, §1, passed --1998; Ord. 2006-08-0050O, passed 8-8-2006; Ord. 2010-03-0283O, passed 3-9-2010 )