633.01 Declaration of policy.
633.02 Definitions.
633.03 Excessive and unnecessary noise prohibited.
633.04 Musical instruments, radios, etc.
633.05 Swimming pools.
633.06 Animals.
633.07 Schools, hospitals and churches.
633.08 Loading and unloading.
633.09 Homeowners' outdoor equipment.
633.10 Vehicle and nonstationary source repairs.
633.11 Building or construction operations.
633.12 Exemptions.
633.13 Motor vehicles.
633.14 Fixed source noise levels.
633.15 Waste disposal services.
633.16 Amplified sound.
633.17 Vibration.
633.18 Inspections; right of entry.
633.19 Variances.
633.20 Test procedures.
633.21 Conflict of laws.
633.22 Appeals.
633.23 Citations.
Unnecessary motor vehicle noise - see TRAF. 432.35
Excessive muffler noise - see TRAF. 438.20
Harking or howling dogs - see GEN. OFF. 618.14
Peace disturbances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 648