The following regulations for landscaping in Research-Office and General Industrial Districts shall apply:
(a) All portions of a lot which are not improved shall be landscaped or maintained in an orderly natural state.
(b) The area to be landscaped shall be planted within six months from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy and thereafter shall be properly maintained.
(c) In addition to a five to seven-foot high fence, Research-Office and General Industrial Districts shall also require a landscaped visual buffer along a boundary with an adjoining Residential District. Such buffer shall contain deciduous and evergreen trees or shrubs sufficient to create a year-round visual barrier and shall be twenty feet in width.
(d) All landscaping plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
(e) All landscaping shall be in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1288 of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 1988-174. Passed 10-17-88.)
All exterior masonry surfaces on buildings constructed in any Industrial District shall be of face brick, stone or other finished type of masonry. Common concrete block shall not be permitted except on rear walls adjacent to the rear property lines where expansion can occur, provided that the rear wall does not face residential areas, public facilities, schools, churches, etc., and that all openings, doorways and transitions are returned in brick.
(Ord. 89-213. Passed 2-6-90.)
(a) Applications Subject to Review. An application for building permit for work or a use for a building for which a license is required by Section 870, Adult Entertainment Businesses, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of North Royalton.
(b) Administrative Reviewer. Pursuant to the Codified Ordinances of the City of North Royalton, Section 870, Adult Entertainment Businesses, the Building Commissioner is the administrative reviewer.
(c) Application Review Guidelines. The Application Review Guidelines for Adult Entertainment Businesses, Sexually Oriented Business Establishments are:
(1) The proposed location is within the General Industrial District;
(2) The proposed location shall not be on any parcel having frontage on State Route 82 (Royalton Road);
(3) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any place licensed for the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises;
(4) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any other place licensed to operate a sexually oriented business;
(5) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any residence district, or any structure used as a residence;
(6) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any church;
(7) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any primary or secondary school;
(8) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any daycare center or nursery school;
(9) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any hotel or motel;
(10) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any public park or playground;
(11) The proposed location is more than 500 feet from any public library.
(Ord. 98-97. Passed 7-21-98.)