EDITOR'S NOTE: The original Charter became effective on January 1, 1952. Dates appearing in parentheses following a section heading indicate that the section was subsequently amended or adopted on the date given.
(a) Number. (11-7-78)
(b) Qualifications. (11-5-68)
(c) Term; Wards. (11-7-78; 5-2-95; 11-4-08)
(d) President of Council. (5-2-95; 11-4-08)
(e) Vacancy.
(f) Meetings. (11-8-88; 11-4-08; 11-6-12)
(g) Special Meetings. (11-7-67; 11-4-08)
(h) Quorum.
(i) Powers.
(j) Ordinances and Resolutions.
(k) Other Powers.
(l) Salaries. (11-8-83)
(m) Bonds.
(n) Removal.
(o) Effective Date of Office. (11-5-68)
(a) Term. (5-2-95; 11-4-08)
(b) Qualifications. (11-6-12)
(c) Removal.
(d) Executive Powers.
(e) Veto.
(f) Legislative Power. (11-3-87)
(g) Judicial Powers.
(h) Effective Date of Office. (11-5-68)
(a) Appointment; Compensation. (11-7-67)
(b) Qualifications. (11-4-86)
(c) Term. (11-7-67)
(d) Removal. (11-7-67)
(e) Duties. (6-3-75)
(a) Composition.
(b) Chiefs; Appointment; Vacancy. (11-7-67)
(c) Chiefs; Removal.
(d) Existing Chiefs.
(e) Appointments, Full-time, Fire Department. (11-8-60)
(f) Appointments; Paid Call Firefighter. (11-3-81)
(a) Appointment; Compensation. (11-5-68)
(b) Qualifications. (6-3-80)
(c) Term. (11-5-68)
(d) Removal. (11-5-68)
(e) Duties. (11-5-68)
(a) Membership.
(b) Classification of Service.
(c) Duties.
(d) Removal.
(e) Funds.
(f) Test Score. (11-3-81)
(a) Membership. (11-3-87)
(b) (1) Powers and Duties of the Planning Commission. (5-6-03)
(2) Adoption of Master Land Use Plan for Rezoning of the City. (11-2-04; 11-4-14)
(c) Funds.
(d) Mandatory Referral. (5-2-95; 11-6-01; 11-6-12)
(e) Council Powers Affecting Zoning; Board of Zoning Appeals.
(f) Powers of Board of Zoning Appeals. (11-6-01)
(g) Rights Retained by the People. (11-6-01)
(a) Membership.
(b) Powers and Duties.
(c) Funds.
(a) Submission of Extra Levy to Vote.
(b) Other Taxes.
(a) Initiative.
(b) Referendum. (11-7-67)
(c) Recall. (6-3-75)
(d) Petition.
(a) Annual Estimate.
(b) Appropriation Ordinance.
(c) Transfers and Balances.
(d) Payment of Claims.
(e) Custody and Deposit of Funds.
(f) Investment of Moneys.
(g) Certification of Expenditures.
(h) Public Bidding. (6-3-80)
(i) Public Improvements.
(a) Time; General Provisions.
(b) Electors' Qualifications; Ballots. (11-7-78)
(c) Nominating Petitions.
(d) Special Issues; State Election Laws.
(e) Run-Off Election. (11-3-87; 11-6-01; 11-4-08)
(a) Franchises.
(b) Pension and Relief Funds.
(c) Disqualification.
(d) Investigations.
(e) Amendments.
(f) Charter Review Commission. (11-7-67; 11-6-01)
(g) Deletion of Obsolete Language, Rearrangement of Numbers and Titles, and Correction of Typographical Errors. (11-8-16)
(a) Nominations and Elections.
(b) Saving Clause.
(c) Effect of Charter Upon Existing Laws and Rights.
(d) Council's Acts Continue in Effect.
EDITOR'S NOTE: For effective dates see Art. XIX(a)
We, the people of the Municipality of North Royalton in the County of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, in order to secure for ourselves the most complete benefits of local self-government under the Constitution of the State of Ohio do ordain and establish this Charter for the government of the Municipality of North Royalton.