General Provisions and Definitions
1260.01   Short title.
1260.02   Purposes and intent.
1260.03   Interpretation and application; conflicts.
1260.04   Separability; repealer.
1260.05   Form of Code.
1260.06   Effective date.
1260.07   Definitions.
1260.08   Required yards to be maintained.
1260.09   Side yards of insufficient width.
1260.10   Yards for irregular lots.
1260.11   Projection into yards.
1260.12   Required lot area to be maintained.
1260.13   Lots of record of insufficient area.
1260.14   Lot area and width exceptions.
1260.15   Location of utilities.
1260.16   Access to prohibited uses.
1260.17   Open storage: junk and abandoned motor vehicles prohibited.
1260.18   Removal of soil protection of drainage courses.
1260.19   Swimming pools.
   Division of municipal corporations into zones - see Ohio R.C. 713.06
   Restrictions on location, bulk and height of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.07 et seq.
   Restrictions on percentage of lot occupancy and setback building lines - see Ohio R.C. 713.09
   Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings or structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
   General definitions - see ADM. 202.02
   Zoning permits and fees - see ADM. 214.07
   Planning Commission - see P. & Z. Ch. 1220