Chap. 1610.    Standards (National Fire Codes; Ohio Fire Code; Life Safety Code; BOCA National Fire Prevention Code)
   Chap. 1620.   Open Burning.
   Chap. 1630.   North Royalton Community Emergency Response Team.
Standards (National Fire Codes; Ohio Fire Code; Life Safety Code;
BOCA National Fire Prevention Code)
1610.01   Adoption by reference.
1610.02   Definitions.
1610.03   Modifications.
1610.04   Application of Code.
1610.05   Enforcement; responsibilities of Municipal Fire Safety Inspector.
1610.06   Compliance required.
1610.07   Appeals.
1610.08   Posting arson laws.
1610.09   Setting fires; grills and barbecues.
1610.10   Responsibilities upon discovery of unfriendly fires.
1610.11   Inspections.
1610.12   Sale and use of fire equipment; standards; service and repair of equipment.
1610.13   New materials, processes or occupancies requiring permits.
1610.14   Fire and smoke detectors.
1610.15   Fire lanes.
1610.16   Routes for vehicles transporting explosives and dangerous articles; placards required.
1610.17   Storage limits for flammable materials.
1610.18   File and distribution copies.
1610.19   Conflict of laws.
1610.20   Permit fees.
1610.21   Fire hydrant obstructions.
1610.22   Fire and smoke damper inspections.
1610.99   Penalty.
   Fire Department - see CHTR. Art. VII; ADM. Ch. 242
   Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R.C. 731.231
   Power to regulate against fires - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.08
   Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14
   State Fire Marshal - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3737
   Gasoline, oils and paint - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3741
   Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3743; GEN. OFF. 672.10
   Fire Prevention Code fees - see ADM. 214.09
   Reporting fire damage to motor vehicles required - see GEN. OFF. 606.27 
   Distance of fire hydrants from driveways - see S.U. & P.S. 1024.05
   Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by the Municipality, for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire and explosion, the current edition of the National Fire Codes, as published and recommended by the National Fire Protection Association; the current edition of the Ohio Fire Code, as adopted by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of State Fire Marshal, and as published in Division 1301:7 of the Ohio Administrative Code; the current edition of the Life Safety Code, as adopted, published and recommended by the National Fire Protection Association; the current edition of the International Fire Code, as published by the International Code Council, and the current edition of the Ohio Building Code as adopted by the Ohio State Board of Building Standards, save and except such portions as may be hereinafter deleted or amended. Each of such Codes is incorporated in this chapter by reference as if fully set forth at length herein, and such Codes, collectively, shall be known as the Fire Prevention Code of the Municipality.
(Ord. 2000-163. Passed 10-3-00; Ord. 06-32. Passed 2-21-06.)
   As used in this Fire Prevention Code, including the standards adopted in Section 1610.01:
   (a)   “Municipality” means the City of North Royalton.
   (b)   “Corporation Counsel” means the Director of Law.
   (c)   “Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention” and “Bureau of Fire Prevention” mean the Fire Chief or his/her designee and the Fire Department, respectively.
(Ord. 1983-9. Passed 2-16-83; Ord. 07-78.Passed 7-3-07.)