Buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in a General Industrial District only for the following uses:
   (a)   Main Uses Permitted.
      (1)   Offices, laboratories, services and manufacturing uses permitted in Research-Office and Commercial Service Districts;
      (2)   Manufacturing processes conducted wholly within an enclosed building, including cutting, forging, stamping, casting, extrusion, drilling, machining, welding, brazing, soldering, sawing, cleaning, shot and sand blasting, grinding, enameling, painting, galvanizing, finishing, heat-treating and rust-proofing, as a component process in connection with the production and assembly of products;
      (3)   Other industrial processes and uses, such as:
         A.   Blending, mixing and packaging of disinfectants, insecticides, fungicides, ink, soap detergents and related household and industrial chemical compounds, but excluding the preparation of primary acids and other primary chemicals; and
         B.   Making of metal alloy products from brass, bronze, pewter, tin, lead or aluminum, but excluding the smelting or founding of such metals.
      (4)   For profit schools for the purpose of the instruction of fitness training, dance, gymnastics, and/or martial arts.
      (5)   Sexually oriented business establishments as regulated under Chapter 870 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of North Royalton.
      (6)   Sign shops.
   (b)   Similar Main Use Permitted. Any other manufacturing use not listed above or in any use classification of another district and determined as similar by the Planning Commission according to standards set forth in Section 1262.08.
   (c)   Accessory Uses Permitted.
      (1)   Storage of materials and products, and processes clearly accessory to the main use, but only within an enclosed building or within walls or fencing so that the materials are not visible from adjoining properties or streets.
      (2)   Industrial, project, real estate, identification and directional signs, as set forth in Chapter 1284.
      (3)   Off-street parking and loading facilities as required and set forth in Chapter 1282.
   (d)   Conditional Uses.
      (1)   Major automotive repairs may be permitted, provided that a conditional use permit is granted in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1262.07. Major repairs may include, but are not limited to, spray painting; body work; clutch, transmission, axle, spring and frame repairs; and major engine overhaul.
      (2)   On parcels in the general area defined as west of York Road to east of West 130th Street, having frontage on State Route 82, office buildings only are permitted to heights of sixty-five feet, provided that the General Industrial zoned parcel(s) are of sufficient lot size to fulfill the requirements set forth in Section 1278.06 (footnotes (e) and (f)), and provided that other building criteria required by this Zoning Code are met and provided that a conditional use permit is granted in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1262.07.
      (3)   Wireless telecommunications facilities may be permitted, provided that a conditional use permit is granted in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1262.07 and Chapter 1290.
      (4)   Adult day care centers and child day care centers having frontage on State Route 82.
      (5)   Trucking terminals may be permitted, provided that a conditional use permit is granted in accordance with the standards set forth in Section 1262.07 and the following requirements:
         A.   The use shall have access only from an arterial road, as shown on the most current roadway Functional Classification Map prepared by the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA).
         B.   The site shall be a minimum of two acres in size.
         C.   The site shall not be located within 200 feet of a residential zoning district.
         D.   The use shall be effectively screened from view from all public streets by a fence and densely planted evergreen trees and shrubbery, as approved by the Planning Commission.
         E.   All repair and washing of vehicles shall occur within a space that is completely enclosed within a building.
         F.   The City may require a traffic study that demonstrates all adverse traffic impacts can be mitigated.
(Ord. 1988-174. Passed 10-17-88; Ord. 90-257. Passed 1-2-91; Ord. 91-13. Passed 3-5-91; Ord. 96-162. Passed 10-15-96; Ord. 97-58. Passed 4-15-97; Ord. 98-77. Passed 7-7-98; Ord. 98-127. Passed 10-20-98; Ord. 03-89. Passed 10-21-03; Ord. 04-173. Passed 9-21-04; Ord. 15-72. Passed 9-15-15; Ord. 17-70. Passed 6-20-17; Ord. 21-70. Passed 4-6-21.)