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General Provisions
   156.001   Purpose and scope of chapter
   156.002   Title of chapter
   156.003   Definitions
Districts Generally
   156.020   Districts enumerated
   156.021   Districts; boundaries and official zoning map
   156.022   Rules for interpretation of district boundaries on the official zoning map
   156.023   Vacated public ways
   156.024   Annexed territory
   156.025   Compliance with district regulations; variances
   156.026   Moving and relocating buildings
   156.027   Rear yard setbacks reduction
   156.028   Side yard setbacks reduction
A-1 Transitional Agricultural District
   156.040   Generally
   156.041   Permitted uses
   156.042   Conditional uses
   156.043   Accessory uses
   156.044   Setback, area and height regulations
   156.045   Parking regulations
R-L Suburban Residential District
   156.060   Intent
   156.061   Permitted uses
   156.062   Conditional uses
   156.063   Temporary uses
   156.064   Accessory uses and structures
   156.065   Height and lot requirements
R-1 Dwelling District
   156.080   Intent
   156.081   Permitted uses
   156.082   Conditional uses
   156.083   Temporary uses
   156.084   Accessory uses and structures
   156.085   Height and lot requirements
R-2 Dwelling District
   156.100   Intent
   156.101   Permitted uses
   156.102   Conditional uses
   156.103   Temporary uses
   156.104   Accessory uses and structures
   156.105   Height and lot requirements
R-3 Dwelling District
   156.120   Intent
   156.121   Permitted uses
   156.122   Conditional uses
   156.123   Temporary uses
   156.124   Accessory uses and structures
   156.125   Height and lot requirements
R-M Mobile Home Park District
   156.140   Intent
   156.141   Permitted uses
   156.142   Temporary uses
   156.143   Accessory uses and structures
   156.144   Special design criteria for R-M Mobile Home Park
   156.145   Height and lot requirements
Permitted, Conditional, Temporary and Accessory Use Table
   156.150   Residential Use Table
F-1 Floodplain District
   156.160   Designation
   156.161   Permitted uses; use regulations
   156.162   Permitted conditional uses
B-T Neighborhood Transitional District
   156.165   Generally
   156.166   Permitted uses
   156.167   Conditional uses
   156.168   Accessory uses
   156.169   Setback and height regulations
   156.170   Parking regulations
B-1 Neighborhood Commercial Service District
   156.175   Generally
   156.176   Permitted uses
   156.177   Conditional uses
   156.178   Accessory uses
   156.179   Setback and height regulations
   156.180   Parking regulations
B-2 Highway Commercial District
   156.195   Generally
   156.196   Permitted uses
   156.197   Conditional uses
   156.198   Accessory uses
   156.199   Setback and height regulations
   156.200   Parking regulations
B-3 Downtown Commercial District
   156.215   Generally
   156.216   Permitted uses
   156.217   Conditional uses
   156.218   Accessory uses
   156.219   Setback and height regulations
   156.220   Parking regulations
I-1 Light Industrial District
   156.235   Generally
   156.236   Permitted uses; use regulations
   156.237   Conditional uses
   156.238   Area, setback and height regulations
   156.239   Parking regulations
Original Town Business Historic District
   156.240   Generally
   156.241   Nature of the district
I-2 Heavy Industrial District
   156.250   Generally
   156.251   Permitted uses
   156.252   Conditional uses
   156.253   Setback, area and height regulations
   156.254   Parking regulations
Public Power and Irrigation Overlay District
   156.260   Generally
   156.261   Designated public power and irrigation overlay districts
H-1 Hospital District
   156.270   Generally
   156.271   Permitted uses
   156.272   Conditional uses
   156.273   Setback, area and height regulations
   156.274   Parking and landscaping regulations
AAA Airport Hazard Area Overlay District
   156.280   Intent
   156.281   Definitions
   156.282   Airport zones
   156.283   Height restrictions
   156.284   Airport zoning map and location
   156.285   Permit requirements, exceptions, application forms and fees
   156.286   Non-conforming structures
   156.287   Marking of non-conforming structures
   156.288   Administrative agency; enforcement
   156.288.1   Variance from regulations
   156.288.2   Zoning Board of Adjustment
   156.288.3   Permitted principal uses and structures
   156.288.4   Conditional uses
   156.288.5   Accessory structures
   156.288.6   Conflicting regulations
Supplementary Regulations
   156.290   Effect
   156.291   Height of public buildings and institutions
   156.292   Exemption of certain appurtenances from height limitations
   156.293   Erection of more than 1 principal structure on lot
   156.294   Permitted projections from buildings
   156.295   Parking or storage of unlicensed vehicles in residential districts
   156.296   Height regulations adjacent to airports
   156.297   Electric fencing for temporary grazing; temporary buildings and cargo containers, and emergency management temporary debris holding sites
   156.298   Miniwarehouses
   156.299   Home occupations
   156.300   Uses not allowed under home occupation provisions
   156.301   Revocation
   156.302   Periodic review
   156.303   Legally existing home occupations
   156.304   Child care facilities
   156.305   Telecommunications facilities
   156.306   Manufactured homes
   156.307   Exception to lot size requirements
   156.308   Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs)
   156.309   Small wind energy systems
   156.310   Special events
   156.311   Accessory dwelling units (ADUs)
   156.312   Recreational vehicle park development regulations
Conditional Uses
   156.320   Purpose
   156.321   Procedure
   156.322   Standards
Planned Development District
   156.335   Purpose and intent
   156.336   Planned residential districts
   156.337   Variations from regulations
   156.338   Planned commercial and industrial districts
   156.339   Procedure for rezoning property to planned development district
Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations
   156.350   Intent; general requirements
   156.351   Required parking and loading spaces
   156.352   Design standards for parking lots
   156.353   Design materials and installation standards for landscaping
   156.354   Modification of requirements
Nonconforming Uses and Structures
   156.370   Nonconforming, general intent
   156.371   Conforming lots of record
   156.372   Nonconforming structures
   156.373   Nonconforming uses
   156.374   Repairs and maintenance
   156.375   Extension of nonconforming uses
   156.390   Authorized
   156.391   Planning Commission hearing and recommendation required
   156.392   Fee for application for zoning change or conditional use permit
   156.393   Procedure
Board of Adjustment
   156.410   Membership; bond; term of office
   156.411   Organization; meetings; funding
   156.412   Powers
   156.413   Governing body acting as Board of Adjustment
   156.414   Duties
   156.415   Restrictions on membership and officers
   156.416   Procedures for requesting a variance
   156.417   Appeals from the Board of Adjustment
Administration and Enforcement
   156.430   Administrative official
   156.431   Enforcement
   156.999   Penalty; additional remedies
   This chapter has been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan and designed to lessen congestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers, to promote health and general welfare, to provide adequate light and air, to prevent the overgrowing of land, to avoid undue concentration of population, and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage facilities, schools, parks and other public requirements. This chapter has been made with reasonable consideration for the respect of property owner rights and privileges, and among other things, to the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for particular uses, and with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the city and the area within 2 miles thereof.
(Prior Code, § 56-1) (Ord. 3640, § 1, 12-1-2005; Am. Ord. 3840, § 1, 4-3-2012; Am. Ord. 4092, § 1, 6-7-2022)