Variations and departures from normal practice may be permitted under this subchapter. Each building need not face on a public street and more than 1 building may be located on a lot. Buildings maybe constructed on platted tracts which are smaller than the minimum lot size requirements where other adjacent permanent open space is provided. Buildings maybe served by private drives in lieu of public streets. Buildings maybe located closer to lot lines than otherwise permitted; provided, the buildings are architecturally suitable for such a relationship to adjoining buildings and property. Any building or portion thereof maybe owned in condominium ownership under applicable state laws governing condominiums. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted shall be determined by dividing the net development area by the minimum lot area per dwelling unit required by the district in which the area is located and increasing the resulting figure by 15%. Net development area shall be determined by subtracting the area set aside for non-residential uses from the gross development area and deducting 10% of the remainder for streets, regardless of the amount of land actually required for streets. The area of land set aside for common open space or recreational use may be included in determining the number of dwelling units permitted. However, no variations will be permitted for above ground storage tanks.
(Prior Code, § 56-493) (Am. Ord. 3840, § 1, 4-3-2012)