General Provisions
155.001 Title of chapter
155.002 Purpose and intent of chapter
155.003 Territorial jurisdiction
155.004 Approval required
155.005 Exemption for burial plots
155.006 Exemption for land divisions creating parcels over 10 acres in size
155.007 Definitions
155.008 Amendments
Pre-Plat Investigation
155.020 Preliminary determination; required information
155.021 Review by Planning Office
155.022 Recommendation by Planning Office
155.023 Approval by Planning Office
155.024 Disapproval by Planning Office; appeal to Planning Commission
155.025 Approval by Planning Commission
155.026 Disapproval by Planning Commission
155.027 Filing of application
Preliminary Plat
155.040 Submission to Planning Office
155.041 Scale and sheet size
155.042 Required information
155.043 Review by Planning Office
155.044 Recommendation by Planning Office
155.045 Approval by Planning Commission; time limit for submission of final plat
155.046 Disapproval by Planning Commission
155.047 Filing of application; fee
Final Plat
155.060 Preparation; survey
155.061 Submission to Planning Office
155.062 Scale and sheet size; key map
155.063 Required information
155.064 Filing of application; fee
155.065 Review by Planning Office
155.066 Recommendation by Planning Office
155.067 Approval by Planning Commission; recording
155.068 Certification of payment of special assessments and property taxes
155.069 Disapproval by Planning Commission
155.070 Administrative subdivision defined
155.071 Administrative approval
155.072 Application for an administrative subdivision
155.073 Administrative action
155.074 Administrative certificate approval
155.075 Planning Commission and City Council review and action
155.076 Approval of administrative subdivision plat filing
Design Standards
155.090 Purpose; conformance with other regulations
155.091 Hazardous features
155.092 Streets
155.093 Lots
155.094 Public sites and open spaces
155.095 Easements
General Requirements
155.110 School board recommendation on plats
Required Improvements
155.125 Monuments
155.126 Subdivisions within corporate limits or abutting corporate limits
155.127 Subdivisions in unincorporated area
155.128 Specifications for improvements; supervision by city
Plans of Improvements
155.140 Authority to require detailed plans
155.141 Review by City Engineer
Performance Bonds
155.155 Installation of improvements
155.156 Acceptable performance bonds
155.157 Amount and period of bond
155.170 Generally
155.171 Conditions
155.999 Penalty
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the orderly development of the city and its 2-mile zone by insuring, through prescribed rules and standards, functional arrangements of street layouts, open spaces, adequate community facilities and utilities; to provide for general conditions favorable for the health, safety and convenience of the community; and to provide for the citizens by promoting new ideas and effective, efficient and attractive community design.
(Prior Code, § 48-2)
All ordinances, rules or regulations of the Mayor and Council pertaining to subdivisions, zoning, use, area and height of structures, variances, appeals to the Board of Adjustment, and television antennas presently in force or hereafter adopted, are hereby extended and made applicable to the area 2 miles beyond and adjacent to the corporate limits of the city, as such area now exists or is hereafter altered or changed.
(Prior Code, § 48-3)
No subdivision of land shall be permitted within the city or within its planning area until such time as the subdivision plat is submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and until the subdivision is approved by the City Council, except that administrative subdivisions shall be approved by the City Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 48-4)