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North Platte Overview
North Platte, NE Code of Ordinances
   The final plat of the proposed subdivision shall show the following information:
   (A)   Date, scale and north point;
   (B)   Subdivision name and all street names;
   (C)   Exact location, widths and names of all existing platted or dedicated streets, easements, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks, watercourses, drainage ditches, permanent buildings and structures within the boundaries of the land to be subdivided;
   (D)   Water elevations of adjoining lakes, rivers and streams at the date of the survey and their high and low water elevations;
   (E)   Exact location and width of all streets, angle of intersection, length of arcs, radii, point of curvature and tangent bearings;
   (F)   Exact location and width of all easements, whether public or private, and a statement of easement rights;
   (G)   Exact length and bearings of the exterior boundaries of the land being subdivided;
   (H)   Exact dimensions of all lots;
   (I)   Exact radii of all curves and length of all tangents;
   (J)   Exact location and area of all land to be dedicated for public use or reserved by deed covenant for common use of all property owners, with the purpose indicated thereon. All lands dedicated for public use, other than streets, shall be marked “Dedicated to the Public”;
   (K)   Deed restrictions, if any, including the boundaries of each type of restriction;
   (L)   Accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments;
   (M)   A certificate of the registered land surveyor preparing the plat that the plat, as presented, fully complies with the requirements of this chapter and the subdivision laws of the state relative to the surveying, dividing and mapping of land; that the plat is a correct representation of all boundaries of the land surveyed; that the plat represents a survey made by him or her; and that all monuments indicated thereon exist and their location, size and material are correctly shown;
   (N)   A certificate signed by the City Engineer that all improvements required by this chapter have been installed to city specifications and plans for private sewer and water systems have been approved by the appropriate authorities;
   (O)   A certificate by the owner dedicating to the public for full public use all streets and street rights-of-way and other lands designated as dedicated for the public’s use, and the granting of utility easements as shown on the plat;
   (P)   A certificate of approval by the city’s Planning Commission that will be signed by the Chairperson of the city’s Planning Commission and a certificate of approval by the Mayor and City Council that will be signed by the City Clerk;
   (Q)   A certificate that the County Surveyor has reviewed and approved the plat; and
   (R)   A title report by an abstract or a title insurance company, or an attorney’s opinion of title, showing the name of the owner of the land, all persons who have an interest in, or an encumbrance on the plat, and all easements. The consent of all such persons shall be shown on the plat.
(Prior Code, § 48-94) (Ord. 3179, § 1, 8-4-1998; Am. Ord. 3386, § 1, 9-4-2001)
   Before any action shall be taken on a final plat, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clerk a fee established by resolution of the City Council for filing of final plats. The formal application submitted with the preliminary plat shall be used for the final plat.
(Prior Code, § 48-95) (Ord. 3179, § 4, 8-4-1998)
   The Planning Office shall review the final plat with various appropriate city departments, as well as other public officials such as school district officials, and county officials where the development is located outside the city limits.
(Prior Code, § 48-96)
   After review of the final plat, the Planning Office shall develop a recommendation, and forward the recommendation and the final plat to the Planning Commission for its consideration at a regular meeting.
(Prior Code, § 48-97)
   If the city’s Planning Commission approves the final plat, the Planning Office shall forward the Planning Commission’s recommendation and the final subdivision plat to the City Council for its consideration. After approval by the City Council, the final subdivision plat, with all required endorsements, must be submitted to the city’s Planning Administrator for filing with the county’s Register of Deeds and all required improvements must be installed to the city specifications or submit a certified check or surety bond to cover completion of all improvements. Failure to submit the subdivision plat and install the improvements within 12 months from the date of approval by the City Council will cause the subdivision approval to be void, and necessitate the applicant to resubmit all plans and fees for reconsideration and approval, except that prior to the 12-month filing date the city’s Planning Administrator may, if improvements are being installed in accordance with the subdivision regulations, grant an additional 12-month extension.
(Prior Code, § 48-98) (Ord. 3639, § 1, 12-1-2005)
   Prior to the filing of any final plat with the Register of Deeds at the County Courthouse, the owner of the property that has been subdivided must submit a statement certified by the appropriate county officer to the Planning Office that all special assessments against the property are paid in full and all property taxes that are due and payable against such property are paid in full.
(Prior Code, § 48-99)
   If the Planning Commission does not approve the final plat, the plat shall be revised, incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 48-100)
   (A)   The administrative subdivision procedure shall be available to make minor adjustments to previously platted lots. It shall not be used in any manner that substitutes for or circumvents compliance with subdivision laws or regulations. An administrative subdivision may consist of dividing 1 lot into 2 or more parts, combining 2 or more lots (or parts of lots) into 1 parcel, or a combination thereof. Transactions or conveyances classified as administrative subdivision are hereby deemed not to constitute “subdivision development”.
   (B)   For the purposes of this subchapter, the subdivider may apply for subdivision approval as an administrative subdivision if the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The administrative subdivision does not contain more than 3 lots, except as provided for in division (B)(6) below;
      (2)   The administrative subdivision fronts on an existing city street, does not involve any new street, road or easement, or the extension of municipal facilities or the creation of any public improvements;
      (3)   The administrative subdivision would not require the vacation or dedication of any easements;
      (4)   The administrative subdivision does not adversely affect the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property;
      (5)   The administrative subdivision is not in conflict with any provisions of the comprehensive plan, zoning regulations or these regulations; and
      (6)   The administrative subdivision may contain more than 3 lots with the agreement of the City Planner, City Engineer and City Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 48-101) (Ord. 3648, § 1, 5-2-2006)