   All ordinances, rules or regulations of the Mayor and Council pertaining to subdivisions, zoning, use, area and height of structures, variances, appeals to the Board of Adjustment, and television antennas presently in force or hereafter adopted, are hereby extended and made applicable to the area 2 miles beyond and adjacent to the corporate limits of the city, as such area now exists or is hereafter altered or changed.
(Prior Code, § 48-3)
   No subdivision of land shall be permitted within the city or within its planning area until such time as the subdivision plat is submitted to the Planning Commission for recommendation and until the subdivision is approved by the City Council, except that administrative subdivisions shall be approved by the City Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 48-4)
   This chapter shall not apply to subdivision of burial lots in cemeteries.
(Prior Code, § 48-5)
   This chapter shall not apply to a division of land when the smallest parcel created is more than 10 acres in size.
(Prior Code, § 48-6)
§ 155.007 DEFINITIONS.
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
   ALLEY. A public right-of-way which is used primarily for vehicular access to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting on a street.
   BLOCK. A tract or parcel of land bounded by public streets or land, streams, railroads, unplatted lands or a combination thereof.
   BUILDING LINE. A line established on a plat as a restrictive covenant, beyond which no building may be placed. The BUILDING LINES need not correspond to the front, side or rear yard requirement established in Chapter 156 of this code, and, where they do not, the most restrictive requirement will control.
   CUL-DE-SAC. A street having 1 end connecting with a public right-of-way and being terminated at its other end by a vehicular turnaround.
   DECORATIVE MASONRY WALL. A wall not less than 5 feet or more than 8 feet in height and not less than 8 inches in thickness.
   DOUBLE-FRONTAGE LOT. A lot having a frontage on 2 non-intersecting streets, as distinguished from a corner lot.
   EASEMENT. A right to use a parcel of land granted to the general public, a utility or a corporation by the property owner.
   FRONTAGE STREET. Minor streets which are parallel to or adjacent to major streets or highways and provide access to the abutting properties and protection from through traffic.
   LOT. A portion of a platted subdivision intended as a unit for transfer of ownership or for development.
   LOT OF RECORD. A tract of land described as an integral portion of a subdivision plat which is properly recorded.
   PARCEL. A tract of land described by metes and bounds or any other method other than a subdivision plat.
   PARCEL OF RECORD. A tract of land described by metes and bounds or any other method other than a subdivision plat and which is duly approved and recorded according to the provisions of this chapter.
   PLANTING SCREEN EASEMENT. A planting strip composed of deciduous or evergreen trees spaced not more than 40 feet apart and not less than 1 row of shrubs spaced not more than 5 feet apart and which are at least 5 feet or more in height after 2 full growing seasons.
   PLAT. A map on which the subdivider’s plan of the subdivision is presented to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval, and which he or she intends, in final form, to record.
   REPLAT. The act of changing a recorded plat or subdivision by consolidating, reconfiguring or subdividing 1 or more lots, blocks, parcels, or tracts of land.
   STREET. A right-of-way, dedicated to public use, which affords a primary means of access. Primary thoroughfares, major thoroughfares, collector streets and residential streets are so designated by the major thoroughfare plan in the comprehensive plan for the city.
   STREET PAVEMENT. The wearing or exposed surface of the street right-of-way used by vehicular traffic. The pavement width is measured from the back of the curb on 1 side to the curb on the other side.
   STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. The area measured between property lines, dedicated to and accepted for public use and providing access to abutting properties.
   SUBDIVIDER. A natural person, firm, partnership, association or any other group who submits a proposed subdivision for approval.
   SUBDIVISION. The division of a lot or parcel of land into 2 or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development. The term includes resubdivision and, when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdividing or to the land subdivided.
   SUBDIVISION CHECKLIST. An administrative list of review statements and questions that must be completed prior to City Council approval of the final plat.
   WATERCOURSE. A natural or manmade depression in which a current of surface runoff water flows following precipitation.
(Prior Code, § 48-7) (Am. Ord. 3741, passed 10-7-2008)
§ 155.008 AMENDMENTS.
   The City Council may amend this chapter from time to time; provided, however, that the amendments shall not become effective until a public hearing and a recommendation from the Planning Commission is received and a public hearing by the City Council has been held.
(Prior Code, § 48-261)
   (A)   Before filing a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall consult with the Planning Office for advice regarding general requirements affecting the proposed development. If a pre-plat plan is not required the developer may begin with the requirements hereof.
   (B)   If it is the opinion of the Planning Administrator that a pre-plat investigation should be completed, the following shall be submitted to the Planning Office by the subdivider:
      (1)   A general sketch of the property, to scale, showing:
         (a)   General lot layout;
         (b)   Existing and proposed street widths, locations and names;
         (c)   General location, existing and proposed, of sewer lines and water lines. Developments off of city sewer and water service shall include a written explanation of the proposal to satisfy these utility needs;
         (d)   General location of utility easements and types of utilities to be included; and
         (e)   General location of any open space and an explanation of the type of facilities that will be provided.
      (2)   Written description of the type of housing, commercial, industrial or public uses to be included in the subdivision.
      (3)   An explanation of what the general character of the area will be when it is developed and how it will relate to adjacent surrounding areas.
      (4)   If it is the intent to use deed restrictions or any other method of controlling the character or quality of the area, a brief explanation of what such deed restrictions or other method might consist of.
(Prior Code, § 48-31)