The owner of a proposed subdivision shall, at his or her expense, submit 7 prints of a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision, a completed application form for the subdivision plan, and preliminary fees to the city’s Planning Office 18 days before the Planning Commission meeting at which time approval of the subdivision is asked.
(Prior Code, § 48-61)
The preliminary plat of a subdivision shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
(A) Name of addition;
(B) Legal description and boundary survey description;
(C) North arrow, scale of drawing and date;
(D) Name, address and telephone number of the owner and engineer and the planner or land surveyor;
(E) Location, width and names of existing and proposed streets, railroads and other public easements or properties in the proposed plat;
(F) Centerline profile of all proposed streets and alleys drawn to a scale of 1 inch equals 2 feet vertically and 1 inch equals 50 feet horizontally;
(G) Centerline profile of existing streets to the extent that it will be clearly demonstrated how the proposed streets and alleys will connect with existing streets and alleys;
(H) Location and size of existing utilities (sewer lines, water lines, fire hydrants, gas lines, electric distribution lines and the like) within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision boundary or within the boundary may be required by the Planning Administrator;
(I) Design statement for proposed water supply and distribution;
(J) Design statement and location for proposed storm and sanitary sewer facilities or private sewer facilities;
(K) Proposed installation of other utilities;
(L) Proposed overall grading and drainage considerations;
(M) Existing ground topography as shown by contours of 1 foot intervals or elevations at 100 feet center to center if required by the City Engineer;
(N) Existing watercourses or drainage courses, bridges and wooded areas;
(O) Existing lot lines and buildings in and abutting the plat and within 200 feet of the plat;
(P) Location and size of proposed school, park, playground and other quasi-public areas;
(Q) Lot layout, tentative block, lot numbers, and lot dimensions; and
(R) Water elevations of adjoining lakes, rivers and streams at date of survey and their approximate high and low water elevations, if required by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 48-63)
The Planning Office shall review the preliminary plat with various appropriate city departments, as well as other public officials such as school district officials, and county officials where the development is located outside the city limits.
(Prior Code, § 48-64) (Am. Ord. 3756, passed 4-7-2009)
After review of the preliminary plat, the Planning Office shall develop a recommendation, based on comments from city departments, and forward the recommendation and the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission for its consideration at a regular meeting.
(Prior Code, § 48-65)
(A) If the Planning Commission approves of the preliminary plat, the subdivider then may complete a final plat.
(B) The final plat must be submitted to the Planning Commission within 12 months from the date the preliminary plat was approved.
(C) If more than 12 months elapse after approval of the preliminary plat, the approval shall be null and void and a new preliminary plat must be filed.
(Prior Code, § 48-66)