   Land within the proposed subdivision which the Planning Commission finds to be unsuitable for subdividing due to flooding, bad drainage, topographic features, soil conditions or other features likely to be harmful to the safety, welfare or general health of any of the residents of the community shall not be subdivided until the objectionable features have been eliminated or until adequate safeguards against the hazards are provided.
(Prior Code, § 48-122)
§ 155.092 STREETS.
   The following standards shall apply to all streets in a subdivision:
   (A)   All street grades shall be established or approved by the City Engineer to ensure continuous drainage from one area to another.
   (B)   The minimum acceptable street right-of-way shall be 80 feet for arterial streets, 66 feet for collector streets, 60 feet for local streets, 50 feet for cul-de-sac streets and 40 feet for frontage streets.
   (C)   Cul-de-sac streets shall not be more than 600 feet in length, measured from the centerline of the intersection of the cross street to the centerline of the cul-de-sac, except where the Planning Commission has approved additional length due to property limitations, with a minimum 55-foot turnaround radius shall be provided at the closed end with either an off-set or symmetric circular turnaround having an outside pavement diameter of at least 100 feet. All lots that are adjacent to the radius of a cul-de-sac shall have a minimum 40-foot front lot line measured along the arc of the street right-of-way.
   (D)   The arrangement of major streets shall conform to the comprehensive plan as nearly as possible.
   (E)   Where a proposed subdivision is adjacent to or contains an existing major or primary thoroughfare, provision shall be made for a frontage road approximately parallel and adjacent to the right-of-way line, or lots shall back up to the major street and have access only to the local street.
   (F)   Half streets shall be prohibited except where essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision in conformity with the other requirements of this chapter, or where it is found to be practical to require the dedication of the other half when adjoining property is subdivided.
   (G)   Under normal conditions streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. More than 4 approaches to any intersection shall be prohibited.
   (H)   Street jogs at intersections with centerline offsets of less than 150 feet shall be prohibited.
   (I)   There shall be no private streets platted in any subdivision. Every subdivided lot shall be served from a publicly-dedicated street.
   (J)   Where a proposed subdivision fronts on a state or federal highway or a major thoroughfare, intersections onto the highway or thoroughfare shall be determined by the City Engineer and State of Nebraska.
   (K)   Where a proposed subdivision fronts on an arterial, intersections onto the arterial shall be determined by the City Engineer.
   (L)   Curb cuts shall be prohibited within 25 feet of an intersection corner property line.
   (M)   In general, intersection streets determining block lengths shall be provided at such intervals as to serve cross traffic adequately and to meet existing or future streets. When no existing plats control, the minimum block length shall be 600 feet.
   (N)   Local streets shall be designed to benefit from the topography, to discourage through traffic and to provide the minimum amount of streets necessary for safe access to adjacent properties. The reasonable and intelligent use of curvilinear and cul-de-sac streets is encouraged wherever possible.
   (O)   Alleys may be required in all commercial and industrial districts, except that the Planning Commission may waive this requirement where the commercial or industrial district is designed as a comprehensive unit and adequate provision for loading space is a part of the overall development plan.
(Prior Code, § 48-123) (Ord. 3455, § 6, 3-4-2003)
§ 155.093 LOTS.
   The following standards shall apply to all lots in a subdivision.
   (A)   Lot dimensions and lot area shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 156 of this code.
   (B)   All rectangular lots and all other lots, so far as practical, shall have the side lot lines at right angles to the street on which the lot faces.
   (C)   Double-frontage lots shall be avoided when possible, except where they back up to a major street.
   (D)   The depth of a lot shall be no more than 3 times the width of the lot at the building line.
   (E)   Every lot shall have access to a street that has been dedicated to the public in accordance with the right-of-way requirement as provided by this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 48-124) (Am. Ord. 3735, passed 9-2-2008)
   The following standards shall apply to all public sites and open spaces in a subdivision.
   (A)   Suitable sites for parks, schools, playgrounds or other public requirements shall be carefully considered and indicated on the preliminary plan, so that they can be compared with the comprehensive plan and it can be determined which of the sites, if any, should be indicated on the final plat.
   (B)   Where a proposed park, playground, school or other public use, as included in the city’s comprehensive plan, is located in whole or in part in a proposed subdivision, and the park, playground, school or other public use is not dedicated for public use to the city, the Planning Commission shall require the subdivider to reserve the sites that are sufficient and in compliance with the comprehensive plan as determined by the Planning Commission. Reservation of land for public acquisition shall be for a period not to exceed 1 year from the date the plat is officially recorded.
(Prior Code, § 48-125)
§ 155.095 EASEMENTS.
   The following standards shall apply to all easements in a subdivision.
   (A)   Easements across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities where necessary.
   (B)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of the watercourse, unless an alternate drainage plan is approved by the City Engineer. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith.
   (C)   In residential type subdivisions a planting screen easement of at least 10 feet or a decorative masonry wall may be required in the following situations: along the line of single- or 2-family lots abutting a commercial or industrial zone, and across which there shall be no right of access other than walkways and that which is required by the Planning Commission.
   (D)   In commercial type subdivisions a planting screen easement of at least 10 feet or a decorative masonry wall may be required along property lines abutting single- or 2-family lots or an industrial zone.
   (E)   In industrial type subdivisions a planting screen easement of at least 10 feet or a decorative masonry wall may be required along property lines abutting a residential or commercial zone.
(Prior Code, § 48-126)
   Prior to any approval on the preliminary or final plats by the Planning Commission or City Council, a copy of each preliminary or final plat shall be submitted to the school district in which the real estate is located for their consideration and recommendations. The district shall be sent a certificate of receipt, which shall be returned with no objections or comments in the form of a recommendation. This recommendation shall be advisory. Failure of the school district to return a certificate of receipt shall be construed as an approval of the proposal submitted.
(Prior Code, § 48-151)
§ 155.125 MONUMENTS.
   In all subdivisions, monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points and points of curves and at intermediate points as required by the engineer. The monuments shall be of a material, size and length as required by the City Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 48-171)