After review of the preliminary plat, the Planning Office shall develop a recommendation, based on comments from city departments, and forward the recommendation and the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission for its consideration at a regular meeting.
(Prior Code, § 48-65)
(A) If the Planning Commission approves of the preliminary plat, the subdivider then may complete a final plat.
(B) The final plat must be submitted to the Planning Commission within 12 months from the date the preliminary plat was approved.
(C) If more than 12 months elapse after approval of the preliminary plat, the approval shall be null and void and a new preliminary plat must be filed.
(Prior Code, § 48-66)
Before any action shall be taken by the city on a preliminary plat, a person seeking to file the preliminary plat shall deposit with the City Clerk the, fee established by resolution of the City Council and a formal application to be completed and filed with the Planning Office.
(Prior Code, § 48-68) (Ord. 3179, § 3, 8-4-1998)
After approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall prepare and submit to the Planning Office a final plat, prepared by a land surveyor, land planner or engineer. The surveying must be completed by a registered land surveyor.
(Prior Code, § 48-91)
The owner of the proposed subdivision shall, at his or her expense, submit 7 prints of a final plat of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Office approximately 18 days before the Planning Commission meeting at which approval of the subdivision is asked.
(Prior Code, § 48-92)