Prior to any approval on the preliminary or final plats by the Planning Commission or City Council, a copy of each preliminary or final plat shall be submitted to the school district in which the real estate is located for their consideration and recommendations. The district shall be sent a certificate of receipt, which shall be returned with no objections or comments in the form of a recommendation. This recommendation shall be advisory. Failure of the school district to return a certificate of receipt shall be construed as an approval of the proposal submitted.
(Prior Code, § 48-151)
All subdivisions that are within the corporate limits of the city or which abut the corporate limits or abut a subdivision which is the subject of an annexation ordinance shall be improved with street grading, a stormwater drainage system, a public water system, a public sanitary sewer system and an underground electrical system, except underground electrical systems located in areas zoned I-1 and 1-2 shall not be required, all interior streets within any subdivision must be paved, and the developer must petition for the creation of paving districts for all exterior streets.
(Prior Code, § 48-172)
All subdivisions that are within the unincorporated area two miles beyond the city’s corporate boundaries shall be improved with street grading, a stormwater drainage system, approved water systems, approved sanitary sewer systems, and underground electrical systems, except underground electrical systems in areas zoned I-1 and 1-2 shall not be required. All interior streets within any subdivision must be paved. All exterior streets that are dedicated for public use and benefit shall be paved except for those exterior streets existing and improved prior to the subject subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 48-173)