Prior to the filing of any final plat with the Register of Deeds at the County Courthouse, the owner of the property that has been subdivided must submit a statement certified by the appropriate county officer to the Planning Office that all special assessments against the property are paid in full and all property taxes that are due and payable against such property are paid in full.
(Prior Code, § 48-99)
(A) The administrative subdivision procedure shall be available to make minor adjustments to previously platted lots. It shall not be used in any manner that substitutes for or circumvents compliance with subdivision laws or regulations. An administrative subdivision may consist of dividing 1 lot into 2 or more parts, combining 2 or more lots (or parts of lots) into 1 parcel, or a combination thereof. Transactions or conveyances classified as administrative subdivision are hereby deemed not to constitute “subdivision development”.
(B) For the purposes of this subchapter, the subdivider may apply for subdivision approval as an administrative subdivision if the following conditions are met:
(1) The administrative subdivision does not contain more than 3 lots, except as provided for in division (B)(6) below;
(2) The administrative subdivision fronts on an existing city street, does not involve any new street, road or easement, or the extension of municipal facilities or the creation of any public improvements;
(3) The administrative subdivision would not require the vacation or dedication of any easements;
(4) The administrative subdivision does not adversely affect the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property;
(5) The administrative subdivision is not in conflict with any provisions of the comprehensive plan, zoning regulations or these regulations; and
(6) The administrative subdivision may contain more than 3 lots with the agreement of the City Planner, City Engineer and City Administrator.
(Prior Code, § 48-101) (Ord. 3648, § 1, 5-2-2006)
(A) The City Administrator or designee shall have the right to approve administrative subdivision plats as defined herein at § 155.070.
(B) The City Administrator or designee may approve an administrative subdivision plat if the following conditions are met:
(1) In the opinion of the City Planner, City Engineer and City Administrator, the administrative subdivision would not require the dedication of additional public right-of-way;
(2) The proposed subdivision has not been previously denied by the City Council;
(3) A separate site plan has been prepared under supervision of, and certified by, a registered State of Nebraska Land Surveyor. The site plan shall be a survey of the lots to be subdivided and abutting lots. It shall show all lots, blocks, streets, alleys, structures, building setbacks, city sanitary sewer, city water, street paving, easements, location map, north arrow, scale, date, legal description and the like in addition to the administrative subdivision plat;
(4) The administrative subdivision plat shall show all lots, blocks, streets, alleys, easements, certificates, location map, north arrow, scale, date, legal description and the like.
(Prior Code, § 48-102) (Ord. 3648, § 2, 5-2-2006)
(A) An application for approval of an administrative subdivision shall be submitted to the Planning Department.
(B) The following shall be submitted with the application:
(1) Application, copy of deed, title report, site plan, administrative subdivision plat and fees. Fees will be based on city fee schedule;
(2) Five prints of the site survey plat and 1 print of the administrative subdivision plat. After city departments review, changes shall be shown on the plats and 1 corrected site survey and one administrative subdivision will need to be resubmitted; and
(3) One final plat after all changes have been made shall be submitted for filing.
(Prior Code, § 48-103) (Ord. 3648, § 3, 5-2-2006)
(A) Certificates 1 through 3, described below, may be placed on a separate document and signed by the appropriate individuals and attached to the final plat for filing or placed on the final plat. Certificates 4 through 6 shall be placed on the final plat and signed by the appropriate individuals.
(B) They are as follows:
(1) A certificate signed by the Lincoln County Treasurer that all property taxes and special assessments on the property are paid in full;
(2) Certificate signed and acknowledged by all property owners having any record title, or other interest in the land subdivided and consenting to the preparation and recording of the plat;
(3) Acknowledgment of a notary public, acknowledging the signatures of all owners;
(4) Certificate signed by the registered State of Nebraska Land Surveyor preparing the administrative subdivision that the plat as presented complies with the requirements of the administrative subdivisions;
(5) Certificate signed by the City Administrator or designee certifying that the administrative subdivision has been reviewed by the City Administrator or designee and is in compliance with the city subdivision regulations; and
(6) Certificate signed by the Register of Deeds shall be placed on the final plat or shall be stamped at the Deeds’s office.
(Prior Code, § 48-105) (Ord. 3648, § 5, 5-2-2006)