a. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, general, special or local the city, acting by the commissioner of parks and recreation and the commissioner of cultural affairs with the approval of the board of estimate, is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer, grant, demise or let to the Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Inc. or other not-for-profit corporation or corporations, or a local development corporation or corporations, or any combination thereof, their successors or assigns (individually or collectively, herein referred to as "NPC") by contract, lease, license or other instrument, upon such terms and conditions as shall be agreed upon between the city and NPC, the right, for any purpose or purposes referred to in subdivisions b and c of this section, to use, occupy, license, lease or carry on or cause to be carried on activities in or on the whole or any part of the tracts of land described in subdivision d of this section, including the buildings and other facilities thereon, which tracts are situated in the borough of Staten Island and are commonly known as Snug Harbor.
b. Any contract, lease, license, or other instrument referred to in subdivision a of this section may authorize or grant to NPC the right to use, occupy, license, lease and carry on or cause to be carried on activities in or on the whole or any part of the tracts of land described in subdivision d of this section for any purpose or purposes which furnish, foster or promote for the benefit of the people of the city, cultural development, education, recreation, historic preservation of buildings and improvement of business and commerce, including: theatrical, musical, artistic presentations and exhibitions; meetings, assemblages, conventions and conferences; telecommunication systems; events of civic, community and general public interest; and general business or commercial purposes which aid the other purposes set out in this subdivision, provided, however, that nothing herein shall grant to NPC the right to conduct any business or commerce, or contract with any other party for the same, unless such business or commerce is compatible with and conducted in conjunction with the use of Snug Harbor cultural center, as a multi-purpose cultural center, and further provided that nothing herein shall permit the erection or maintenance of telecommunication towers or other above ground apparatus for telecommunication transmission systems on the grounds of Snug Harbor. Subject to the limitations set forth in subdivision c of this section, such land may be used for the purpose of providing residences and work spaces for artists affiliated with the NPC for the duration of such affiliation. It is hereby declared that all of the purposes referred to in this subdivision are for the benefit of the health, welfare and prosperity of the people of the city and are public purposes.
c. Except as hereinafter provided, the tracts of land described in subdivision d of this section shall not be used, occupied, licensed or leased for the purpose of housing. Such land may be used to provide residences for artists who are affiliated with the NPC and who through their work, exhibits, lectures or writings contribute to the goals of the NPC. Artists shall only be entitled to occupy such residences for the duration of their affiliation with the NPC and any lease or occupancy permit of a dwelling unit to an artist shall specify that the tenancy or occupancy shall terminate upon the termination of the artist's affiliation with the NPC. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, such dwelling units shall not be subject to regulation or control pursuant to the emergency housing rent control act, the emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four or any local laws enacted pursuant thereto, the emergency housing rent control law, the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine or any other law which confers rights of occupancy upon tenants which are inconsistent with the intent of this subdivision to permit the NPC to provide residences for artists only for the duration of their affiliation with the NPC. The provisions of this subdivision shall not be construed to prohibit the NPC from providing residential accommodations to persons employed by the NPC where such residence is necessary for the maintenance or protection of the property such as a resident caretaker, supervisor of maintenance or supervisor of security.
d. The tracts of land referred to in subdivisions a, b and c of this section are more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Richmond Terrace and the westerly line of Tysen Street as shown on borough president of Staten Island map #3861, said point of beginning having coordinates S 4888.33, W 15824.79. Running thence:
1) South 03° 42' 57" East, 485.63 feet along the westerly line of Tysen Street to the northerly line of Fillmore Street.
2) South 86° 24' 09" West, along the northerly line of Fillmore Street, 100.59 feet.
3) North 06° 33' 33" West, 139.83 feet.
4) South 87° 58' 30" West, 50.00 feet.
5) South 06° 31' 23" East, 141.20 feet to the northerly line of Fillmore Street.
6) South 86° 24' 09" West, along the northerly line of Fillmore Street, 46.06 feet to a point of curvature.
7) Southerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 7.50 feet, an angle of 93° 45' 01", 12.27 feet to a point of tangency.
8) South 7° 20' 52" East, 359.97 feet.
9) South 6° 51' 31" East, 300.02 feet.
10) South 7° 00' 45" East, 416.19 feet to a point on the northerly line of Henderson Avenue.
11) South 72° 23' 50" West, along the northerly line of Henderson Avenue, 1447.71 feet.
12) South 81° 13' 07" West, along the northerly line of Henderson Avenue, 122.79 feet to the easterly line of Kissel Avenue.
13) North 9° 03' 54" West, along the easterly line of Kissel Avenue, 1917.41 feet to the southerly line of Snug Harbor Road.
Thence, easterly along the southerly lines of Snug Harbor Road and Richmond Terrace as in use the following 22 courses and distances:
1) North 81° 52' 30" East, 343.00 feet.
2) North 74° 30' 34" East, 22.48 feet to a point of curvature.
3) Northerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 50.00 feet, an angle of 39° 04' 12", 34.10 feet to a point of compound curvature.
4) Northerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 200.00 feet, an angle of 09° 22' 30", 32.73 feet.
5) North 26° 03' 52" East, 41.69 feet.
6) North 22° 56' 18" East, 75.00 feet.
7) North 19° 30' 48" East, 75.29 feet.
8) North 16° 59' 24" East, 53.98 feet to a point of curvature.
9) Easterly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 75.00 feet, an angle of 61° 42' 53", 80.78 feet to a point of tangency.
10) North 78° 42' 17" East, 44.75 feet.
11) North 82° 23' 05" East, 75.33 feet.
12) North 85° 01' 47" East, 75.08 feet.
13) North 86° 52' 08" East, 83.22 feet to a point of curvature.
14) Easterly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 900.00 feet, an angle of 7° 33' 52", 118.82 feet to a point of compound curvature.
15) Easterly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 450.00 feet, an angle of 12° 50' 35", 100.87 feet to a point of tangency.
16) South 72° 43' 25" East, 91.81 feet to a point of curvature.
17) Easterly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle, with a radius of 1460.00 feet, an angle of 14° 29' 21", a distance of 369.21 feet to a point of reverse curvature.
18) Easterly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 180.00 feet, an angle of 28° 00' 03", 78.96 feet to a point of tangency.
19) South 83° 22' 07" East, 58.01 feet.
20) South 89° 57' 40" East, 25.00 feet.
21) North 88° 49' 32" East, 220.28 feet to the westerly line of Tysen Street as in use.
22) South 03° 42' 57" East, along the westerly line of Tysen Street as in use, 46.90 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Richmond Terrace and the easterly line of Snug Harbor Road, the intersection of said streets forming an interior angle of 70° 43' 30" as shown on the borough president of Staten Island map #3887, said point of beginning having coordinates S 4714.62, W 17955.22. Running thence easterly along the southerly line of Richmond Terrace, N 89° 41' 08" E, 727.73 feet to a point on Snug Harbor Road. Thence the following 5 courses and distances along Snug Harbor Road:
1) South 18° 21' 55" West, 24.95 feet.
2) South 22° 56' 18" West, 179.68 feet to a point of curvature.
3) Westerly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 90.00 feet, an angle of 58° 56' 12", 92.53 feet to a point of tangency.
4) South 81° 52' 30" West, 472.31 feet.
5) North 22" 02' 30" West, 296.46 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Richmond Terrace, generally opposite the prolongation of the westerly line of Tysen Street as shown on the president of the borough of Staten Island map #3887, said point of beginning having coordinates S 4788.43, W 15831.26. Running thence westerly along the northerly line of Richmond Terrace the following 9 courses and distances:
1) South 89° 00' 30" West, 212.27 feet to a point of curvature.
2) Westerly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 220.00 feet, an angle of 25° 23' 59", 97.53 feet to a point of tangency.
3) North 65° 35' 31" West, 235.43 feet to a point of curvature.
4) Westerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 1680.00 feet, an angle of 12° 45' 26", 374.06 feet to a point of compound curvature.
5) Westerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 120.00 feet, an angle of 11° 40' 19", 24.45 feet to a point of compound curvature.
6) Westerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 1680.00 feet, an angle of 4° 29' 58", 131.93 feet to a point of reverse curvature.
7) Westerly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 720.00 feet, an angle of 7° 44' 03", 97.19 feet.
8) South 86° 39' 38" West, 291.90 feet.
9) South 88° 24' 46" West, 701.54 feet.
Thence northerly, North 01° 19' 01" East, 59.39 feet to a point on the southerly line of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway. Thence easterly along the southerly line of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway, the following 12 courses and distances:
1) North 89° 31' 08" East, 338.03 feet.
2) South 01° 19" 01" West, 15.00 feet.
3) North 89° 31' 08" East, 383.31 feet.
4) North 32° 53' 35" East, 17.96 feet.
5) North 89° 31' 08" East, 396.00 feet to a point of curvature.
6) Easterly, curving to the right on the arc of a circle with a radius of 1131.00 feet, an angle of 18° 58' 00", 374.40 feet to a point of tangency.
7) South 69° 57' 32" East, 264.42 feet to a point of curvature.
8) Easterly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 1448.00 feet, an angle of 5° 41' 55", 144.01 feet.
9) South 66° 56' 46" East, 134.55 feet.
10) South 03° 41' 50" East, 2.00 feet.
11) South 88° 57' 04" East, 112.19 feet.
12) South 03° 41' 50" East, 6.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line in Kill Van Kull, approved by the secretary of war, October 30, 1915, said point of beginning having coordinates South 4497.61, West 16082.50, and being 234.38 feet west of a point formed by the extension of the westerly line of Tysen Street with the U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line; running thence westerly along the northerly line of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway, the following 10 courses and distances:
1) South 03° 41' 50" East, 197.07 feet.
2) North 77° 38' 47" West, 132.04 feet.
3) North 69° 57' 32" West, 264.42 feet to a point of curvature.
4) Westerly, curving to the left on the arc of a circle with a radius of 1161.00 feet an angle of 18° 58' 00", 384.33 feet to a point.
5) South 89° 31' 08" West, 338.00 feet.
6) North 00° 28' 52" West, 15.00 feet.
7) South 89° 31' 00" West, 449.31 feet.
8) South 01° 19' 01" West, 15.00 feet.
9) South 89° 31' 08" West, 338.03 feet.
10) North 01° 19' 01" East, 106.33 feet to the U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line.
Thence easterly along the U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line the following 2 courses and distances:
1) North 87° 27' 41" East, 560.68 feet.
2) South 85° 27' 28" East, 1309.86 feet to the place or point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the lands of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway Company, being distant 88.00 feet from the northerly line of Richmond Terrace and generally on a prolongation of the westerly line of Tysen Street as indicated on the president of the borough of Staten Island map #3887, said point of beginning having coordinates South 4700.61, West 15836.93, thence:
1) North 84° 54' 35" West along the northerly line of the lands of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway, 113.13 feet.
2) North 03° 41' 50" West, 183.73 feet to the U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line approved by the secretary of war on October 30, 1915.
3) South 85° 27' 28" East along said U.S. Pierhead and Bulkhead line, 112.98 feet.
4) South 03° 41' 50" East, 184.83 feet to the point or place of beginning.
a. Notwithstanding the provisions of section three hundred eighty-three of the New York city charter and section twenty of the general city law or any other law prohibiting the alienation of park lands, the city, acting by the commissioner with the approval of the board of estimate, is hereby authorized and empowered to lease to Bryant Park Restoration Corporation ("BPRC"), a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of New York for the purpose of assisting the city in restoring and maintaining Bryant Park, for the purposes referred to in subdivision b of this section, upon such terms and conditions and for such duration as shall be agreed upon by the city, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations ("NYPL") and BPRC, all or part of the tract of land situated in the borough of Manhattan known as the west terrace of the New York Public Library (the "West Terrace"), and more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, piece or parcel of land, comprising a portion of that land known as Bryant Park, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point lying along the south side of West 42nd Street, 482 feet west of the intersection formed by the said south side of West 42nd Street and the west side of Fifth Avenue, and running thence easterly along the south side of West 42nd Street 119 feet to a point lying along said southerly side of West 42nd Street; thence southerly, along the rear wall of the New York Public Library Building, 455 feet to the northerly side of West 40th Street; thence westerly along the northerly side of West 40th Street 119 feet; thence northerly 455 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, such grant shall not include any portion of the building erected, constructed, equipped and furnished pursuant to chapter five hundred fifty-six of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven (the "NYPL Building"), including appurtenances thereto, except upon the written approval of NYPL.
b. The grant referred to in subdivision a of this section may authorize BPRC to sublease all or any portion of the West Terrace for the construction of a structure which may be used for the operation of a restaurant and related purposes, and for such other uses as may be consistent with the purposes of BPRC and NYPL, upon such terms and conditions, for such duration and for such consideration as shall be agreed upon by the city, BPRC and NYPL; provided, however, that no portion of any such structure shall extend beyond sixty feet west of the western most portion of the NYPL Building. It is hereby declared that all of the purposes referred to in this subdivision are for the benefit of the people of the city and are public purposes.
a. It shall be unlawful for any individual, firm, corporation, agent, employee or person under the control of such individual, firm or corporation to cut, remove or in any way destroy or cause to be destroyed, any tree or other form of vegetation on public property under the jurisdiction of the commissioner without acquiring written consent from the commissioner. The foregoing provision shall not apply to department employees who are engaged in the proper and authorized performance of their assigned duties.
b. Any individual, firm, corporation, agent, employee or person under the control of such individual, firm or corporation violating the provisions of subdivision a of this section concerning a tree shall be liable to arrest and upon conviction thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifteen thousand dollars or by imprisonment of not more than one year or by both such fine and imprisonment for each such violation. Such individual, firm, corporation, agent, employee or person under the control of such individual, firm or corporation shall also be liable for a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars for each such violation which may be recovered in a proceeding before the environmental control board. A proceeding to recover any civil penalty authorized pursuant to this section shall be commenced by the service of a notice of violation returnable to the environmental control board. The environmental control board shall have the power to impose the civil penalties prescribed herein. Any individual, firm, corporation, agent, employee or person under the control of such individual, firm or corporation violating the provisions of subdivision a of this section concerning any other form of vegetation shall be liable to arrest and upon conviction thereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment of not more than ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment for each such violation.
c. Any individual, firm, corporation, agent, employee or person under the control of such individual, firm or corporation found to be guilty of violating the provisions of subdivision a of this section or section 10-148 of this code by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the environmental control board shall be denied the opportunity to obtain written consent from the commissioner or from an agency having control of public property to cut, remove or in any way destroy or cause to be destroyed, any tree or other form of vegetation on public property under the jurisdiction of the commissioner, or such agency, for a maximum of two years from the date of conviction, or from the date the civil penalty was imposed.