The commissioner, notwithstanding the provisions of section 15.09 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation law, may enter into an agreement with the Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, for a period of not more than ten years, for the maintenance and operation of a nature conservation center on premises known as High Rock Park. Such agreement shall become effective only upon approval by the mayor. Said agreement shall include a clause providing for its termination if the institute ceases to be a non-profit membership corporation, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member thereof. The conservation center shall serve the entertainment, recreational and educational needs of the people, and necessary incidental and informational services may be rendered. All references in this section to the Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences shall be deemed to refer to the corporation under its present name or under any name which shall hereafter be used by it.
a. Legislative intent. The city council hereby declares that a drastically high number of adults and children are annually killed and injured by motor vehicles while operating bicycles and tricycles in the streets of our city and countless pedestrians have been injured by the operation of bicycles and tricycles on sidewalks and pedestrian walks in parks. Although the riding of bicycles and tricycles is healthy and wholesome and a normal activity for developing youngsters, the streets and sidewalks of the city of New York are highly congested and, in most areas, dangerous. The safety of the children of New York city requires that a maximum number of off-street areas be developed for the operation of bicycles and tricycles in local communities, and it is impossible to adequately meet this problem except by a large centralized riding area in each borough. It is the intent of the council to assure the broad development of such a program by this legislation.
b. Designation areas.
1. The commissioner shall cause to be created and maintained, in all parks whose total area exceeds five acres, adequate areas appropriately designed for the use of bicycles and of tricycles.
2. Such areas shall be designed and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the commissioner.
3. For purposes of this section, the word "areas" shall mean and include "bicycle paths" at least one mile long in parks whose area is greater than twenty-five acres, "bicycle tracks" at least one-quarter of a mile long in parks whose area is greater than five acres, and "tricycle circles" located close to adequate seating space for adults.
The commissioner of cultural affairs may enter into an agreement with the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. for the maintenance and operation by the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. of the Brooklyn Children's Museum situated in Brower Park, in the borough of Brooklyn, as the same is presently constructed and established, and as it may be enlarged and improved. Such agreement shall become effective only upon approval by the mayor. Upon the making of such contract, the city may, in its discretion, annually appropriate to the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. such sum or sums of money as it may determine are needed for the maintenance and support of the said Brooklyn Children's Museum and the activities of the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. in connection therewith.