The commissioner of cultural affairs may enter into an agreement with the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. for the maintenance and operation by the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. of the Brooklyn Children's Museum situated in Brower Park, in the borough of Brooklyn, as the same is presently constructed and established, and as it may be enlarged and improved. Such agreement shall become effective only upon approval by the mayor. Upon the making of such contract, the city may, in its discretion, annually appropriate to the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. such sum or sums of money as it may determine are needed for the maintenance and support of the said Brooklyn Children's Museum and the activities of the Brooklyn Children's Museum, Inc. in connection therewith.
The commissioner, subject to the approval of the mayor, may enter into an agreement with a nonprofit corporation or association, organized or to be organized for the purpose of establishing, operating and maintaining an art museum, for the occupation, operation and maintenance by such corporation or association of an art museum in any existing building or buildings or part thereof or in any building or buildings or part thereof hereafter to be constructed in Flushing Meadow park, in the borough of Queens and for the adequate keeping, maintenance, extension, preservation, management and operation of such art museum, for the collection and exhibition of objects of art, the advancement of knowledge concerning art, the prosecution of original researches relating to art and kindred subjects, for affording instruction in the same and for the entertainment, recreation and instruction of the people. Such agreement may provide, in addition to other terms and conditions, for membership on the board of directors or board of trustees of such corporation or association of the mayor and the commissioner and the president of the borough of Queens, and their successors in office. Upon the making of such agreement, the city of New York may annually, in its discretion, appropriate to the corporation or association maintaining such art museum such sum or sums as it may determine for the maintenance and support thereof and the activities in connection therewith.