a. Definition. As used in this section, the term "bollard" means any raised concrete and/or metal post that is designed to slow or stop motor vehicles.
b. By July 30, 2019, and every year thereafter, the commissioner shall submit to the council an annual report on the installation of bollards in the city. Such report shall include:
1. The total number of locations under the jurisdiction of the department where bollards have been installed by the department and the total number of such bollards installed in the 12-month period ending on June 30 of such year; and
2. The total number of authorizations for bollard installation by third parties at locations under the jurisdiction of the department issued during the 12-month period ending on June 30 of such year.
(L.L. 2018/080, 1/19/2018, eff. 1/19/2018)
a. For the purposes of this section, the term "covered capital project" means a capital project, as defined in section 5-101, that is within the jurisdiction of the department and that upon completion of construction is expected to include an area containing publicly accessible exposed soil that is intended for active play or passive recreation, provided that the design phase of such capital project commences after the effective date of this section.
b. Before construction work on a covered capital project commences, the department shall determine the lead level of soil within the area of such covered capital project. Where such lead level is at or above the level set forth in paragraph (c) of section 745.65 of title 40 of the code of federal regulations, the department shall, as part of such covered capital project, cover, replace, make inaccessible or otherwise remediate any soil within such area that is designated for active play or passive recreation.
(L.L. 2020/027, 2/11/2020, eff. 6/10/2020)
a. The department shall inspect each tree under its jurisdiction over 6 inches in caliper, to determine if any issue threatens the health of such tree or causes such tree to pose a threat to public safety, at least once between each time such tree is pruned by the department or by a person authorized by the department to perform routine scheduled maintenance of such tree. Such inspection shall not be required for trees in forests and natural areas, and shall be limited to inspections of trees located on streets and trees located in landscaped parks, which for purposes of this section are referred to as "covered trees".
b. The department shall post on its website a description of the process used and the factors considered by the department, and by any person authorized by the department, to determine when inspections are performed on trees under the jurisdiction of the department in order to assess the health of such trees.
c. No later than November 1 of each year, the department shall, for the period covering the immediately preceding fiscal year, submit an annual report to the mayor and the speaker of the council that includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
1. The total number and location of all covered trees inspected by the department or persons authorized by the department, the result of such inspections and the actions taken by the department in response to such inspections;
2. The number and location of requests or referrals for inspection of a covered tree through the 311 citizen service center or other means and the number of such trees that were inspected by the department or a person authorized by the department;
3. The date of each referral or request for an inspection of a covered tree and the reason, if any, that was provided for such referral or request;
4. The action taken by the department in response to each request or referral for inspection and the date such action was taken; and
5. A regularly updated map on the website of the department that displays each covered tree that has been inspected, the result of such inspection and the action taken by the department in response to the result of such inspection.
(L.L. 2022/020, 1/9/2022, eff. 1/9/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2022/020.
a. Definition. For the purposes of this section, the term "park feature" means a structural or landscape element of a park or other property under the jurisdiction of the department, including, but not limited to: athletic fields; benches; fences; lawns; horticultural areas; paved surfaces; play equipment; public restrooms and the fixtures within; safety surfacing; sidewalks; trees; unpaved trails; and any condition related to cleanliness, such as the presence of litter, graffiti, broken glass, ice or weeds.
b. The department shall develop standards for grading park features through an inspection program conducted independently from agency maintenance staff. In determining a grade for a park feature, the standards shall consider whether the condition of any park feature is suitable for the intended state of such park feature. Upon the conclusion of an inspection, a grade of acceptable or unacceptable for the relevant park features shall be issued.
c. By December 31, 2022 and every six months thereafter, the department shall submit a report to the mayor and the council regarding park features under the jurisdiction of the department that were found to receive an unacceptable rating three or more times during a six month period, resulting from inspections conducted by the department.
d. The report required by subdivision c of this section shall include, but need not be limited to:
1. The date and location of each inspection performed by the department of a park feature of a park, playground, pool, beach or recreation center, where such park feature was issued an unacceptable rating during such inspection three or more times during a six-month period;
2. For each such park feature, a description of the condition that resulted in an unacceptable rating being issued;
3. A plan that describes the work deemed necessary by the department to be performed in order to bring such feature into a condition where it would be rated as acceptable pursuant to an inspection performed by the department; and
4. An estimate of the cost and timeframe required to complete such work.
e. The department shall maintain a website listing all public restrooms under the jurisdiction and management of the commissioner, which shall include:
1. The location of each public restroom;
2. The number of sinks, toilets and changing tables in each public restroom;
3. A website link to data related to the general level of cleanliness of each public restroom and the condition and functionality of each feature and the fixtures within, as determined by an inspection performed pursuant to this section;
4. A website link to information regarding department reporting procedures for complaints related to applicable accessibility requirements; and
5. Any other feature of each public restroom the department deems relevant.
(L.L. 2022/067, 6/5/2022, eff. 9/3/2022; Am. L.L. 2023/144, 11/5/2023, eff. 11/5/2023)