a. Any building, whether new or altered, abutting on any boardwalk or public beach that has or is to have an open front or fronts, or in which business is or is intended to be done through windows or doorways, shall have and maintain an adequate setback satisfactory to the commissioner of buildings, such setback to be not less than four feet.
b. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed ten dollars, or by imprisonment, not to exceed ten days, or by both.
c. This section shall not prevent or make unlawful the installation of footings for temporary barriers or shields in accordance with section 3202.1.1.1 of the New York city building code or temporary flood shields, stairs or ramps in accordance with section 3202.4.3 of the New York city building code.
The commissioner may furnish, erect and maintain on any public beach any life-saving apparatus, appliances and paraphernalia, for the protection and safety of bathers which any law, rule or regulation now or hereafter may require keepers of bathing establishments along the seashore to furnish and maintain. During such period as the commissioner shall furnish and maintain the same, the duty of keepers of bathing establishments on, near or along the inshore line of any such public beach to do so shall be suspended. If for any period the commissioner shall not furnish and maintain the same such commissioner shall, under such rules and regulations as he or she may establish therefor, issue permits to such keepers to furnish, erect and maintain the same.
a. Gifts of real and personal property, except such surplus animals and duplicate specimens as the commissioner may deem it judicious to dispose of by sale or otherwise, shall be forever properly protected, preserved and arranged for public use and enjoyment.
b. The commissioner, with his or her annual report, shall make a statement of the condition of all the gifts, devises and bequests of the previous year, and of the names of the persons making the same.