601.7 Destruction of abandoned corporation stops and wet connections.
All driven corporation stops, when abandoned, shall be removed and replaced by plugs. All wet connections or screw corporation stops, when abandoned, shall be destroyed in place, and all exposed portions of the service pipe shall be cut and removed. Where a corporation stop or wet connection is destroyed and the connecting service pipe is one that is equipped with a curb valve and box, the curb box shall be removed in accordance with the rules of the Department of Environmental Protection. The expense in connection with the abandonment or destruction of a corporation stop or wet connection shall be chargeable to the owner of the property into which the service pipe entered.
602.1 General.
Structures equipped with plumbing fixtures and utilized for human occupancy or habitation shall be provided with a potable supply of water in the amounts and at the pressures specified in this chapter.
602.2 Potable water required.
Only potable water shall be supplied to plumbing fixtures that provide water for drinking, bathing or culinary purposes, or for the processing of food, medical or pharmaceutical products. Unless otherwise provided in this code, potable water shall be supplied to all plumbing fixtures.
602.3 Individual water supply.
Where a potable public water supply is not available, individual sources of potable water supply shall be utilized. No well or individual water supply shall be installed for any purpose without approval of the commissioner, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Department of Environmental Protection.
602.3.1 Sources.
Dependent on geological and soil conditions and the amount of rainfall, individual water supplies are of the following types: drilled well, driven well, dug well, bored well, spring, stream or cistern. Surface bodies of water and land cisterns shall not be sources of individual water supply unless properly treated by approved means to prevent contamination.
602.3.2 Minimum quantity.
The combined capacity of the source and storage in an individual water supply system shall supply the fixtures with water at rates and pressures as required by this chapter.
602.3.3 Water quality.
Water from an individual water supply shall be approved as potable by the authority having jurisdiction prior to connection to the plumbing system.
602.3.4 Disinfection of system.
After construction or major repair, the individual water supply system shall be purged of deleterious matter and disinfected in accordance with Section 610.