613.1 Temperature-actuated mixing valves.
Temperature actuated mixing valves, which are installed to reduce water temperatures to defined limits, shall comply with ASSE 1016 and ASSE 1017.
614.1 Buildings required to provide alternative potable water access.
Buildings that supply potable water from the public water main for dwelling units and sleeping units in occupancy Groups I-1, R-1, R-2, and R-3 with the assistance of pumps shall provide additional fixtures that in an emergency when such pumps are inoperable are capable of supplying potable water from the public water main to the building utilizing only the available pressure from the public water main. Such fixtures shall comply with Sections 614.1.1 through 614.1.5.
Exception: Buildings where the pumps used to supply potable water for the dwelling units or sleeping units are connected to an emergency or a standby power system that complies with the requirements of Chapter 27 of the New York City Building Code.