5003.5 Hazard identification signs.
Unless otherwise exempted by the commissioner, hazard identification signs as set forth in NFPA 704 for the specific material contained shall be conspicuously affixed on stationary containers and aboveground tanks and at entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored, handled or used, including dispensing, in quantities requiring a permit, including locations where such materials are dispensed, and at such other locations as may be designated by the commissioner.
5003.5.1 Markings.
Individual containers, cartons or packages shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in an approved manner. Signs reading "COMPRESSED GAS" shall be conspicuously posted at the entrance to rooms or on cabinets containing compressed gases.
5003.6 Signs.
Signs and markings required by FC 5003.5 and 5003.5.1 shall not be obscured or removed, shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code, shall be durable, and the size, color and lettering shall be acceptable to the commissioner.
5003.7 Sources of ignition.
Sources of ignition shall comply with the requirements of FC 5003.7.1 through 5003.7.3.
5003.7.1 Smoking.
It shall be unlawful to smoke in the following locations, and "No Smoking" signs in compliance with the requirements of FC 310 shall be conspicuously posted:
1. In rooms or areas where hazardous materials are stored or used in open systems in amounts requiring a permit.
2. Within 25 feet (7620 mm) of outdoor hazardous material storage, handling and use areas, including dispensing areas.
3. In rooms or areas where flammable or combustible hazardous materials are stored, handled or used.
5003.7.2 Open flames.
Open flames and devices that generate or operate at a high temperature shall be kept a safe distance from hazardous material in storage or use.