General Provisions
153.001 Authority
153.002 Purpose
153.003 Intent
153.004 Abrogation and greater restrictions
153.005 Interpretation
153.006 Liability
153.007 Jurisdiction
153.008 Compliance
153.009 Dedication and reservation of lands
153.010 Improvements
153.011 Variances
153.012 Land suitability
153.013 Sewer service availability
153.014 Appeals
153.015 Definitions
153.016 Fees
153.017 Violations
Land Division Procedure
153.030 Preapplication
153.031 Preliminary plat review
153.032 Preliminary plat approval
153.033 Final plat review
153.034 Final plat approval
153.035 Extraterritorial plat approval
153.036 Replat
153.037 Division of land less than a subdivision
Plats and Maps
153.050 Preliminary plat
153.051 Final plat
153.052 Certified survey map
Design Standards
153.065 Street arrangement
153.066 Limited access highway and railroad right-or-way treatment
153.067 Street design standards
153.068 Required minimum cross-sections
153.069 Street intersections
153.070 Blocks
153.071 Lots
153.072 Building setback lines
153.073 Easements
Required Improvements
153.085 Survey monuments
153.086 Grading
153.087 Surfacing
153.088 Curb and gutter
153.089 Street cross-sections
153.090 Public sanitary sewerage
153.091 Erosion control
153.092 Sidewalks and pedestrian ways
153.093 Stormwater management; required facilities
153.094 Other utilities
153.095 Improvements on boundaries of subdivisions
153.096 Street lamps
153.097 Street signs
153.098 Construction
153.999 Penalty
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate and control the division of land within the corporate limits of the village and its extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction in order to promote the public health, safety, morals, prosperity, aesthetics, and general welfare of the village and its environs.
(Prior Code, § 18.01)
It is the general intent of this chapter to regulate the division of land so as to:
(A) Obtain the wise use, conservation, protection, and proper development of the village’s soil, water, wetland, woodland, and wildlife resources and attain a proper adjustment of land use and development to the supporting and sustaining natural resource base;
(B) Lessen congestion in the streets and highways;
(C) Further the orderly layout and appropriate use of land;
(D) Secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers;
(E) Provide adequate light and air;
(F) Facilitate adequate provision for housing, transportation, water supply, stormwater, wastewater, schools, parks, playgrounds, and other public facilities and services;
(G) Secure safety from flooding, water pollution, disease, and other hazards;
(H) Prevent flood damage to persons and properties and minimize expenditures for flood relief and flood control projects;
(I) Prevent and control erosion, sedimentation, and other pollution of surface and subsurface waters;
(J) Preserve natural vegetation and cover, and promote the natural beauty of the village;
(K) Restrict building sites in areas covered by poor soils or in other areas poorly suited for development;
(L) Facilitate the further division of larger tracts into smaller parcels of land;
(M) Ensure adequate legal description and proper survey monumentation of subdivided land;
(N) Provide for the administration and enforcement of this chapter;
(O) Provide penalties for its violation; and
(P) Implement those village, county, watershed, or regional comprehensive plans or their components adopted by the village; in general, to facilitate enforcement of village development standards as set forth in the adopted regional, county, and village comprehensive plans, adopted plan components, the Zoning Code, the Official Map, and the Building Code of the village.
(Prior Code, § 18.01)
It is not intended by this chapter to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with any existing easements, covenants, agreements, rules, regulations, or permits previously adopted or issued pursuant to law. However, where this chapter imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this chapter shall govern.
(Prior Code, § 18.01)