§ 153.098  CONSTRUCTION.
   (A)   Commencement. No construction or installation of improvements shall commence in a proposed subdivision until the preliminary plat or certified survey map has been approved and the Village Engineer has given written authorization.
   (B)   Building permits. No building permit shall be issued for erection of a structure on any lot not of record until all the requirements of this chapter have been met, unless otherwise provided for in the subdivider’s agreement. In exceptional circumstances, the Village Board may authorize the issuance of a building permit prior to the completion of all improvements; however, no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all improvements; except for the final course of asphalt streets.
   (C)   Plans. The following plans and accompanying construction specifications may be required by the Village Engineer before authorization of construction or installation of improvements:
      (1)   Street plans and profiles showing existing and proposed grades, elevations, and cross-sections of required improvements. A separate plan designating culvert sizes shall be provided for all streets with rural cross-sections;
      (2)   Sanitary sewer plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, elevations, and materials of required facilities;
      (3)   Stormwater drainage facility plans and profiles showing the locations, grades, sizes, cross-sections, elevations, and materials of required facilities;
      (4)   Planting plans showing the locations, age, circumference at a height six inches above the planting line, height, and species of any required trees;
      (5)   Master grading plan and any additional special plans or information as required; where required by state agencies, such plans shall be approved by such agencies prior to the commencement of construction;
      (6)   Erosion control plans as required under Chapter 152; and
      (7)   After completion of all public improvements and prior to final acceptance of said improvements, the subdivider shall make or cause to be made a map showing the actual location of all manholes, stubs, sewer mains, and such other facilities as the Village Engineer shall require. This map shall be in black ink on double matte Mylar and shall bear the signature and seal of a professional Engineer registered in the state. In addition to the above described map, the subdivider shall provide the village with as-built working drawings of sewage lift stations and such other facilities as the Village Engineer may require. Manufacturer’s guarantees on equipment shall be furnished where in force. The presentation of this map and other as-built drawings and manufacturer’s guarantees shall be a condition of final acceptance of the improvements and release of the security assuring their completion.
   (D)   Inspection. The subdivider, prior to commencing any work within the subdivision, shall make arrangements with the Village Engineer to provide for adequate inspection. The Village Engineer shall inspect and approve all completed work prior to release of the sureties.
(Prior Code, § 18.10)