(A) General requirements. A final plat shall certify on the face of the plat that it is a correct representation of all existing land divisions and features and that he or she has fully complied with the provisions of this chapter.
(B) Additional information. The plat shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the information required by Wis. Stats. § 236.20, the following:
(1) Exact length and bearing of the centerline and centerline curves of all streets;
(2) Exact street width along the right-of-way line of any obliquely intersecting street;
(3) Railroad rights-of-way within and abutting the plat;
(4) Setbacks or building lines, if required by the Plan Commission, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in §§ 153.073;
(5) Utility and/or drainage easements;
(6) All lands reserved for future public acquisition or reserved for the common use of property owners within the plat; and
(7) Special restrictions required by the Village Board relating to access control along public ways, delineation of floodland limits, or to the provision of planting strips.
(C) Deed restrictions. The Village Board may require that deed restrictions intended to reflect village plans and ordinances be placed on the face of the plat.
(D) Plat restrictions. The Village Board may require that plat restrictions intended to reflect village plans and ordinances be placed on the face of the plat.
(E) Survey accuracy. The Village Engineer shall examine all final plats within the village and may make, or cause to be made, by a registered land surveyor under the supervision or direction of the Village Engineer, field checks for the accuracy and closure of survey, the proper kind and location of monuments, and the legibility and completeness of the drawing. In addition:
(1) Maximum error of closure before adjustment of the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall not exceed, in horizontal distance or position, the ratio of one part in 5,000 nor, in azimuth, four seconds or arc per interior angle. If field measurements exceed this maximum, new field measurements shall be made until a satisfactory closure is obtained. When a satisfactory closure of the field measurements has been obtained, the survey of the exterior boundary shall be adjusted to form a closed geometric figure; and
(2) All street, block, and lot dimensions shall be computed as closed geometric figures based upon the control provided by the closed exterior boundary survey. If field checks disclose an error for any interior line of the plat greater than the ratio of one part in 3,000, or an error in measured angle greater than one minute of an arc for any angle where the shorter side forming the angle is 300 feet or longer, necessary corrections shall be made. Where the shorter side of a measured angle is less than 300 feet in length, the error shall not exceed the value of 1z minutes multiplied by the quotient of 300 divided by the length of the shorter side; however, such error shall not, in any case, exceed five minutes of an arc.
(F) Relocated quarter corners. Where the plat is located within a quarter section, the corners of which have been relocated, monumented, and coordinated by the county, the tie required by Wis. Stats. § 236.20(3)(b) shall be expressed in terms of grid bearing and distance; and the material and state plane coordinates of the monument making the relocated section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The rid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure herein specified for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision.
(G) Village Board review. The Village Board shall receive the results of the Village Engineer and the state’s examination prior to approving the final plat.
(H) Surveying and monumenting. All final plats shall meet all the surveying and monumenting requirements of Wis. Stats. § 236.15.
(I) State plane coordinate system. All plats shall be tied directly to a section or quarter corner monumented according to the state plane coordinate system. The exact grid bearing and distance of such tie shall be determined by field measurements, and the material and state plane coordinates of the monument marking the section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The grid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure specified in division (E) above for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. All distances and bearings shall be referenced to the state’s coordinate system.
(J) Certificates. All final plats shall provide all the certificates required by Wis. Stats. § 236.21, and, in addition, the surveyor shall certify that he or she has fully complied with all the provisions of this chapter; the subdivider’s certificate shall be fully executed prior to Village Board approval.
(K) Recordation. The final plat shall be recorded with the County Register of Deeds only after the certificates of: the Supervisor of the Plat Review Unit in the state’s Department of Agricultural, Trade, and Consumer Protection; of the Village Board; of the surveyor; and those certificates required by Wis. Stats. § 236.21 are placed on the face of the plat. The Village Administrator/Clerk shall record the plat within 30 days of its approval by the Village Board. The subdivider shall, however, be responsible for payment of the recording fee.
(L) Duplicate plat to be filed. An identical reproducible copy on stable drafting film, at least four mils thick, along with the recording data, shall be placed on file with the Village Engineer.
(Prior Code, § 18.06)
(A) General requirements. A certified survey map prepared by a registered land surveyor shall be required for all minor land divisions. It shall comply in all respects with the requirements of Wis. Stats. § 236.34. The minor subdivision shall comply with the design standards and improvement requirements set forth in §§ 153.097.
(B) Required information. The map shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the information required by Wis. Stats. § 236.34, the following:
(1) All existing buildings, watercourses, drainage ditches, and other features pertinent to proper land division;
(2) Setbacks or building lines, if required by the Plan Commission, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in §§ 153.073;
(3) Utility and/or drainage easements;
(4) All lands reserved for future acquisition;
(5) Date of the map;
(6) Shoreland-Wetland and floodplain limits and the contour line lying a vertical distance of two feet above the elevation of the 100-year recurrence interval flood or, where such data is not available, five feet above the elevation of the maximum flood of record;
(7) Graphic scale and north arrow; and
(8) Names and addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and surveyor.
(C) State plan coordinate system. All plats shall be tied directly to a section or quarter corner monumented according to the state plane coordinate system. The exact grid bearing and distance of such tie shall be determined by field measurements, and the material and state plane coordinates of the monument marking the section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The grid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure specified in § 153.051(E) for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. All distances and bearings shall be referenced to the state’s coordinate system.
(D) Certificates. The surveyor shall certify on the face of the map that he or she has fully complied with all the provisions of this chapter. After reviewing the map, the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, shall certify its approval on the face of the map. After receiving approval by the Village Board, such maps shall be certified by the Village President, the Village Administrator/Clerk, and the Village Engineer. In addition, dedication of streets and other public areas shall require the owner’s certificate and the mortgagee’s certificate in substantially the same form as required by Wis. Stats. § 236.21(2)(a).
(E) Approval. No certified survey map shall be approved by the Village Board until all required improvements have been installed and until all required fees as provided in § 36.04 have been paid, unless provision for the installation of improvements and payment of fees has been made in an approved subdivider’s agreement.
(F) Recordation. The certified survey map shall only be recorded with the County Register of Deeds after the certificates of the Village Board and the surveyor are placed on the face of the map. The Village Administrator/Clerk shall record the map within 30 days of its approval by the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 18.07) (Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)
(A) In any new subdivision plat or certified survey map, the street layout shall conform to the arrangement, width, and location indicated on the Official Map or Comprehensive Plan of the village. In areas for which such plans have not been completed, the street layout shall recognize the functional classification of the various types of streets and shall be developed and located in proper relation to existing and proposed streets, to the topography, to such natural features as streams and tree growth, to public convenience and safety, to the proposed use of the land to be served by such streets, and to the most advantageous development of adjoining areas.
(B) The subdivision shall be designed so as to provide each lot with satisfactory access to a public street. In addition:
(1) Arterial streets. Arterial streets shall be arranged so as to provide ready access to center of employment, centers of governmental activity, community shopping areas, community recreation, and points beyond the boundaries of the community. They shall also be properly integrated with and related to the existing and proposed system of arterial streets and highways and shall be, insofar as practicable, continuous and in alignment with existing or planned streets with which they are to connect;
(2) Collector streets. Collector streets shall be arranged so as to provide ready collection of traffic from residential areas and conveyance of this traffic to the major street and highway system and shall be properly related to the mass transportation system, to special traffic generators such as schools, churches, shopping centers, and other concentrations of population, and to the major streets to which they connect;
(3) Local streets. Local streets shall be arranged to conform to the topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit the design of efficient storm and sanitary sewerage systems, and to require the minimum street area necessary to provide safe and convenient access to abutting property;
(4) Proposed streets. Proposed streets shall extend to the boundary lines of the tract being subdivided unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions or unless, in the opinion of the Village Board, such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the layout of the subdivision or for the advantageous development of the adjacent tracts;
(5) Arterial street and highway protection. Whenever the proposed subdivision contains or is adjacent to an arterial street or highway, adequate protection of residential properties, limitation of access, and separation of through and local traffic shall be provided by reversed frontage with screen planting or an earth berm contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear or side property line, or by the use of frontage streets;
(6) Stream or lake shores. Stream or lake shores shall have a minimum of 66 feet of public access platted to the low water mark at intervals of not more than one-half mile as required by Wis. Stats. § 236.16(3);
(7) Reserve strips. Reserve strips shall not be provided on any plat to control access to streets or alleys, except where control of such strips is placed with the Village Board under conditions recommended by the Plan Commission;
(8) Alleys. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial areas for off-street loading and service access of required by the Village Board, but shall not be approved in residential districts. Deadend alleys shall not be approved. Alleys shall not connect to a major thoroughfare; and
(9) Street names. Street names shall not duplicate or be similar to existing street names elsewhere in the village and environs, and existing street names shall be displayed with a sign.
(Prior Code, § 18.08)
Whenever the proposed subdivision contains or is adjacent to a limited access highway or railroad right-of-way, the design shall provide the following treatment.
(A) (1) When lots within the proposed subdivision back upon the right-of-way of an existing or proposed limited access highway or a railroad, a planting strip at least 60 feet in depth shall be provided adjacent to the highway or railroad in addition to the normal lot depth.
(2) This strip shall be a part of the platted lots, but shall have the following restriction lettered on the face of the plat: “This strip is reserved for the planting of trees and shrubs; the building of structures and placement of longitudinal easements for utilities hereon is prohibited”.
(B) Commercial and industrial properties shall have provided, on each side of the limited access highway or railroad, streets approximately parallel to and at a suitable distance from such highway or railroad for the appropriate use of the land between such streets and highway or railroad, but not less than 150 feet.
(C) (1) Streets parallel to a limited access highway or railroad right-of-way, when intersecting a high collector street and highway or collector street which crosses said railroad or highway, shall be located at a minimum distance of 250 feet from said highway or railroad right-of-way.
(2) Such distance, where desirable and practicable, shall be determined with due consideration of the minimum distance required for the future separation of grades by means of appropriate approach gradients.
(D) Local streets immediately adjacent and parallel to railroad rights-of-way shall be avoided, and the location of local streets immediately adjacent to high collector streets and highways and to railroad rights-of-way shall be avoided in residential areas.
(Prior Code, § 18.08)
(A) The minimum right-of-way and roadway width of all proposed streets and alleys shall be as specified by the Comprehensive Plan, the plan component, or the Official Map of the village, or if no width is specified therein, the minimum widths shall be as shown in § 153.068.
(B) Cross-sections for freeways, expressways, and parkways shall be based upon detailed engineering studies.
(Prior Code, § 18.08)
(A) Minimum cross-section table.
Type of Street or Public Way | Minimum Row to Be Dedicated | Minimum Dimensions |
Type of Street or Public Way | Minimum Row to Be Dedicated | Minimum Dimensions |
Urban Streets | ||
Arterial divided with median | 100 ft.+ | Dual 24 ft. pavement + V.F. curbs |
18 ft. median | ||
6 ft. tree bank/curb lawn | ||
5 ft. sidewalk | ||
1 ft. outside sidewalk | ||
Arterial undivided | 100 ft.+ | 62 ft. pavement |
(14 ft. center turn lane) | ||
10.5 ft. tree bank/curb lawn | ||
5 ft. sidewalk | ||
1 ft. outside sidewalk | ||
Collector | 66 ft. | 24 ft. pavement drive lanes |
16 ft. pavement park lanes | ||
30 ft. vertical face curbs | ||
5 ft. tree bank/curb lawn | ||
4.5 ft. sidewalks | ||
1 ft. outside sidewalk | ||
Minor | 66 ft. | 24 ft. pavement drive lanes |
7 ft. pavement park lane | ||
30 ft. vertical face curb | ||
6 ft. and 13 ft. tree bank | ||
4.5 ft. sidewalk | ||
1.0 ft. outside sidewalk | ||
Rural Streets | ||
Arterial divided with median | 100 ft.+ | Dual 28 ft. pavement (24 ft.+ 4 ft. pedestrian way) |
4 ft. inside shoulder | ||
10 ft. median | ||
8 ft. outer shoulder | ||
15 ft. to ditchline | ||
(5 ft. + 10 ft. easement) | ||
Collector | 100 ft.+ | Undivided |
70 ft. pavement | ||
(includes 14 ft. center turn lane and 2 at 4 ft. pedestrian ways) 8 ft. shoulder | ||
17 ft. to ditch line | ||
(7 ft. + 10 ft. easement) | ||
Collector | 66 ft. | 32 ft. pavement |
(24 ft. + 4 ft. pedestrian way) 6 ft. shoulder | ||
6 ft. to ditchline | ||
11 ft. backslope | ||
(5 ft. + 6 ft. easement) | ||
Collector | 80 ft. | 32 ft. pavement |
(24 ft. + 2 at 4 ft. pedestrian ways) | ||
8 ft. shoulder | ||
8 ft. to ditchline | ||
8 ft. backslope | ||
(+ 6 ft. easement - fill section) | ||
Minor | 66 ft. | 28 ft. pavement |
(24 ft. + 4 ft. pedestrian way) | ||
l ft. and 5 ft. shoulder | ||
8 ft. to ditchline 8 ft. backslope | ||
(B) Cul-de-sac streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall not exceed 500 feet in length. All cul-de-sac streets designed to have one end permanently closed shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of 66 feet and a minimum back of curb radius of 47.5 feet or 45 feet for rural cross-section streets.
(C) Temporary termination of streets at the boundary of a subdivision that are intended to be extended at a later date and where more than four dwelling units have driveway access to such street, or when the nearest intersection to the boundary of the subdivision is greater than 200 feet, shall be accomplished with a temporary cul-de-sac in accordance with the standards set forth above or by construction of a temporary “T” turnaround having a crossbar paved width of at least 22 feet and a length of 60 feet, with the option subject to the approval of the Plan Commission and the Village Board.
(D) Unless necessitated by exceptional topography subject to the approval of the Plan Commission, the maximum centerline grade of any street or public way shall not exceed the following:
(1) Arterial streets: 6%;
(2) Collector streets: 8%;
(3) Local streets, alleys, and frontage streets: 10%;
(4) Pedestrian ways: 10%, unless steps of acceptable design are provided; and
(5) The grade of any street shall in no case exceed 10% or be less than 0.5%.
(E) Street grades shall be established wherever practicable so as to avoid excessive grading, the promiscuous removal of ground cover and tree growth, and general leveling of topography. All changes in street grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent in feet to 15 times the algebraic difference in the rates of grade for all major streets, and one-half this minimum for all other streets.
(F) (1) When a continuous street centerline deflects at any one point by more than ten degrees, a circular curve shall be introduced having a radius of curvature on said centerline of not less than the following:
(a) Arterial streets and highways: 500 feet;
(b) Collector streets: 300 feet; and
(c) Local streets: 100 feet.
(2) A tangent at least 100 feet in length shall be provided between reserve curves on arterial and collector streets.
(G) Where, on the date of enactment of this chapter, an existing dedicated or platted half street is adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half of the street shall be dedicated by the subdivider. The platting of half streets is not permitted.
(Prior Code, § 18.08)