(A)   General requirements. A certified survey map prepared by a registered land surveyor shall be required for all minor land divisions. It shall comply in all respects with the requirements of Wis. Stats.  § 236.34. The minor subdivision shall comply with the design standards and improvement requirements set forth in §§ 153.097.
   (B)   Required information. The map shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the information required by Wis. Stats. § 236.34, the following:
      (1)   All existing buildings, watercourses, drainage ditches, and other features pertinent to proper land division;
      (2)   Setbacks or building lines, if required by the Plan Commission, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in §§ 153.073;
      (3)   Utility and/or drainage easements;
      (4)   All lands reserved for future acquisition;
      (5)   Date of the map;
      (6)   Shoreland-Wetland and floodplain limits and the contour line lying a vertical distance of two feet above the elevation of the 100-year recurrence interval flood or, where such data is not available, five feet above the elevation of the maximum flood of record;
      (7)   Graphic scale and north arrow; and
      (8)   Names and addresses and telephone numbers of the owner, subdivider, and surveyor.
   (C)   State plan coordinate system. All plats shall be tied directly to a section or quarter corner monumented according to the state plane coordinate system. The exact grid bearing and distance of such tie shall be determined by field measurements, and the material and state plane coordinates of the monument marking the section or quarter corner to which the plat is tied shall be indicated on the plat. The grid bearing and distance of the tie shall be determined by a closed survey meeting the error of closure specified in § 153.051(E) for the survey of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision. All distances and bearings shall be referenced to the state’s coordinate system.
   (D)   Certificates. The surveyor shall certify on the face of the map that he or she has fully complied with all the provisions of this chapter. After reviewing the map, the Village Board, upon the recommendation of the Plan Commission, shall certify its approval on the face of the map. After receiving approval by the Village Board, such maps shall be certified by the Village President, the Village Administrator/Clerk, and the Village Engineer. In addition, dedication of streets and other public areas shall require the owner’s certificate and the mortgagee’s certificate in substantially the same form as required by Wis. Stats. § 236.21(2)(a).
   (E)   Approval. No certified survey map shall be approved by the Village Board until all required improvements have been installed and until all required fees as provided in § 36.04 have been paid, unless provision for the installation of improvements  and payment of fees has been made in an approved subdivider’s agreement.
   (F)   Recordation. The certified survey map shall only be recorded with the County Register of Deeds after the certificates of the Village Board and the surveyor are placed on the face of the map. The Village Administrator/Clerk shall record the map within 30 days of its approval by the Village Board.
(Prior Code, § 18.07) (Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)