(A) The subdivider shall submit a final plat and a letter of application in accordance with this chapter and Wis. Stats. §§ 236.11 and 236.12, and shall file an adequate number of copies of the plat and the application with the Village Administrator/Clerk.
(B) In addition:
(1) The Administrator/Clerk shall transmit copies as appropriate to agencies specified in Wis. Stats. § 236.12, and shall transmit the original final plat and 20 copies to the Plan Commission. A copy shall also be submitted to each public utility affected;
(2) The Plan Commission shall examine the final plat as to its conformance with the approved preliminary plat; any conditions of approval of the preliminary plat; this chapter and all ordinances, rules, regulations, general plan, and general plan components which may affect it; and shall recommend approval, conditional approval, or rejection of the plat to the Village Board; and
(3) The final plat may, if permitted by the Village Board, constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposed to record at that time.
(Prior Code, § 18.04)
The objecting agencies shall, within 20 days of the date of receiving their copies of the final plat, notify the subdivider and all other approving and objecting agencies of any objections. If there are no objections, they shall so certify on the face of the copy of the plat and shall return that copy to the Plan Commission, which shall forward the copy to the Village Board. If an objecting agency fails to act within 20 days, it shall be deemed to have no objection to the plat.
(A) Submission. If the final plat is not submitted within 24 months of the last required approval of the preliminary plat, the Village Board may reject the final plat, in writing, with reasons given.
(B) Plan Commission recommendation. The Plan Commission shall, within 30 days of the date of filing of the final plat with the Village Administrator/Clerk, recommend approval or rejection of the plat and shall transmit the final plat and application, along with its recommendations, to the Village Board.
(C) Notification. The Plan Commission shall, at the time it recommends approval or rejection of a plat to the Village Board, and at least ten days prior to any action of the Board, give notice of its recommendation to the Clerk of any municipality within 1,000 feet of the plat.
(D) Village Board approval or rejection. The Village Board shall, within 60 days of the date of filing the original final plat with the Village Administrator/Clerk, approve or reject such plat unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If the plat is rejected, the reasons shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a copy of the minutes, together with a letter of transmittal, shall be forwarded to the subdivider. The Board may not approve the final plat unless the Administrator/Clerk certifies on the face of the plat that the copies were forwarded to objecting agencies as required herein, the date thereof, and that no objections have been filed within 20 days or, if filed, have been met.
(E) Timely Village Board action required. Failure of the Village Board to take action on the plat within 60 days, the time having not been extended and no unsatisfied objections having been filed, the plat shall be deemed approved.
(F) Consent and waiver. Prior to the acceptance of a final plat, the subdivider shall furnish, when required by the village, a consent and waiver of the statutory provisions for special assessment for the installation of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, sewer laterals, curb and gutter, sidewalk, street surfacing, underground street lighting services, and all other utilities, which shall be in a form approved by the Village Attorney pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0703(7)(b), and shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in the same manner as a lis pendens. Such consent and waiver shall provide that the installation of such services shall be made at the discretion of the Village Board.
(G) Recordation. After the final plat has been approved by the Village Board and required improvements either installed or a contract and sureties insuring their installation is filed, the Administrator/Clerk shall cause the certificate inscribed upon the plat attesting to such approval to be duly executed and shall further cause the plat to be recorded within 30 days of its approval by the Village Board. The subdivider shall be responsible for the recording fee.
(H) Plat copies. The subdivider shall file 15 certified copies of the final plat with the Administrator/Clerk for distribution to appropriate local agencies and offices.
(Prior Code, § 18.04) (Ord. 14-98, passed 12-12-1998)
(A) When the land to be subdivided lies within one and one-half miles of the corporate limits of the village, subject to the limitation of Wis. Stats. § 66.0105, the subdivider shall proceed as specified in §§ 153.032 above, except:
(1) Transmittal responsibility lies with the Clerk of the town to whom the plat is first submitted and the subdivider shall indicate which one in his or her application;
(2) Approval agencies shall be as specified in Wis. Stats. § 236.10, and the subdivider must comply with the land subdivision ordinances of the town in which the plat lies;
(3) Subdivider may proceed with the installation of such improvements and under such regulations of the Town Board within whose limits the plat lies. Whenever connection to any utility of the village is desired, permission for such connection shall be obtained from the Village Board. Village policy does not permit serving any individual outside its village limits; and
(4) All improvement requirements specified by the town in which the plat is located or any special improvement district shall be met before filing of the final plat.
(B) (1) Subdivisions, lot splits, and CSMs in the village’s extraterritorial plat approval jurisdiction may not be less than 35 acres per parcel; condominium developments and planned unit developments/planned development overlays/cluster developments, where any unit is situated on less than 35 acres, are prohibited. The Village Board may approve subdivisions, lot splits, and CSMs less than 35 acres per parcel and condominium developments and planned unit developments/planned development overlays/cluster developments where any unit is situated on less than 35 acres, if the division meets the criteria stated in § 153.033.
(2) The village will not consider any subdivision, lot split, CSM, condominium development, or planned unit development/planned development overlays/cluster developments in its extraterritorial plat review jurisdiction regardless of parcel size or unit density until the proposal has been approved by the village and the extraterritorial plat review fees as provided in § 36.04 has been paid; such approval however, shall not limit the village’s extraterritorial plat approval authority.
(3) In approving the subdivision, lot split, CSM, condominium development, or planned unit developments/planned unit overlays/cluster developments, the village may impose any conditions necessary including, but not limited to, restrictive covenants and requiring a homeowner’s association.
(4) Plat review criteria for subdivisions, lot splits, CSMs, and condominium developments/planned development overlays/cluster developments with less than one unit per 35 acres in the village’s extraterritorial plat jurisdiction, shall be as follows:
(a) For agriculture lands, the proposed land division will assist and assure the continuation of the agriculture use;
(b) For non-agricultural lands, shall be compatible with adjacent land uses and shall maintain the general land use pattern of the area;
(c) Shall result in a development pattern which is compatible with surrounding developments and existing or planned land uses as measured by proposed use, lot sizes, traffic generation, access, noise, visual features, and other issues affecting development; and
(d) Shall not adversely affect the village’s planning or ability to provide public services.
(Prior Code, § 18.04) (Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)
When it is proposed to replat a recorded subdivision or part thereof, the subdivider or person wishing to replat shall vacate or alter the recorded plat, as provided in Wis. Stats. §§ 236.40 through 236.44. The subdivider or person wishing to replat shall then proceed as specified in §§ 153.032, for the Village Board to take action upon the plat, a public hearing before the Plan Commission when a preliminary plat or a replat of lands within the village is filed, and shall cause notices of the proposed replat and public hearing to be mailed to the owners of all properties within the limits of the exterior boundaries of the proposed replat and to the owners of all properties within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the proposed replat.
(Prior Code, § 18.04)
(A) When it is proposed to divide land into two parcels or building sites, any one of which is less than ten acres in size, or when it is proposed to divide a block, lot, or outlot into not more than four parcels or building sites within a recorded subdivision plat without changing the boundaries of said block, lot, or outlot, the subdivider shall subdivide by use of a certified survey map. The subdivider shall prepare the certified survey map in accordance with this chapter and shall file ten copies of the map and the letter of application with the Village Administrator/Clerk at least 15 days prior to the meeting of the Plan Commission at which action is desired.
(B) The Administrator/Clerk shall, within two working days after filing, transmit the copies of the map and letter of application to Village Board members and the Plan Commission.
(C) The Plan Commission shall transmit a copy of the map to all affected boards, commissions, departments, and all affected public utility companies for their review and recommendations concerning matters within their jurisdiction. Their recommendations shall be transmitted to the Plan Commission within ten days from the date the map is filed. The map shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission for conformance with this chapter and all ordinances, rules, regulations, general plan, and general plan components which affect it. The Plan Commission shall, within 30 days from the date of filing of the map, recommend approval, conditional approval, or rejection of the map and shall transmit the map along with its recommendations to the Village Board.
(D) The Village Board shall approve, approve conditionally, or reject such map within 60 days from the date of filing of the map unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If the map is rejected, the reason shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement supplied the subdivider. If the map is approved, the Village Board shall cause the Administrator/Clerk to so certify on the face of the original map and return the map to the subdivider.
(E) The Administrator/Clerk shall record the map with the County Register of Deeds within ten days of its approval. The subdivider shall be responsible for the recording fee.
(F) The subdivider shall file six certified copies of the certified survey map with the Administrator/Clerk for distribution to appropriate local agencies and offices.
(Prior Code, § 18.04)