(A)   Streets shall intersect each other at as nearly right angles as topography and other limiting factors of good design permit.
   (B)   In addition:
      (1)   The number of streets converging at one intersection shall be reduced to a minimum, preferably not more than two;
      (2)   The number of intersections along arterial streets and highways shall be held to a minimum. Wherever practicable, the distance between such intersections shall not be less than 750 feet;
      (3)   Intersections on local streets shall be offset at least 250 feet measured from the centerlines of the two streets;
      (4)   Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a minimum radius of 20 feet or of a greater radius when required by the Plan Commission, or shall be terminated by a straight line through the points of tangency of an arc having a radius of 15 feet; and
      (5)   Local streets shall not necessarily continue across arterial or collector streets, but if the centerlines of such local streets approach the major streets from opposite sides within 300 feet of each other, measured along the centerline of the arterial or collector street, then the location shall be so adjusted that the adjournment across the arterial or collector street is continuous and a jog is avoided.
(Prior Code, § 18.08)