(A)   When it is proposed to divide land into two parcels or building sites, any one of which is less than ten acres in size, or when it is proposed to divide a block, lot, or outlot into not more than four parcels or building sites within a recorded subdivision plat without changing the boundaries of said block, lot, or outlot, the subdivider shall subdivide by use of a certified survey map. The subdivider shall prepare the certified survey map in accordance with this chapter and shall file ten copies of the map and the letter of application with the Village Administrator/Clerk at least 15 days prior to the meeting of the Plan Commission at which action is desired.
   (B)   The Administrator/Clerk shall, within two working days after filing, transmit the copies of the map and letter of application to Village Board members and the Plan Commission.
   (C)   The Plan Commission shall transmit a copy of the map to all affected boards, commissions, departments, and all affected public utility companies for their review and recommendations concerning matters within their jurisdiction. Their recommendations shall be transmitted to the Plan Commission within ten days from the date the map is filed. The map shall be reviewed by the Plan Commission for conformance with this chapter and all ordinances, rules, regulations, general plan, and general plan components which affect it. The Plan Commission shall, within 30 days from the date of filing of the map, recommend approval, conditional approval, or rejection of the map and shall transmit the map along with its recommendations to the Village Board.
   (D)   The Village Board shall approve, approve conditionally, or reject such map within 60 days from the date of filing of the map unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If the map is rejected, the reason shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a written statement supplied the subdivider. If the map is approved, the Village Board shall cause the Administrator/Clerk to so certify on the face of the original map and return the map to the subdivider.
   (E)   The Administrator/Clerk shall record the map with the County Register of Deeds within ten days of its approval. The subdivider shall be responsible for the recording fee.
   (F)   The subdivider shall file six certified copies of the certified survey map with the Administrator/Clerk for distribution to appropriate local agencies and offices.
(Prior Code, § 18.04)