General Provisions
30.01 Form of government
30.02 (Reserved)
30.03 Electoral districts for election of County Council members
30.04 County Library System established
30.05 Ordinance summons
30.06 Use of tobacco products in county buildings
30.07 Use of county prisoners for public works
30.08 Blue Laws suspended in Newberry County
Fees and Costs; Taxes
30.20 Delinquent property taxes
30.21 User fees for County Jail detainees
30.22 Uniform collection of fees and costs by the Probate Court
30.23 Uniform collection of fees and costs by the Clerk of Court
30.24 Marriage licenses
30.25 Magistrate collection of fees and costs
30.26 Assessment of aircraft
911 Emergency Telephone System
30.40 Generally
30.41 Funding and financial management
30.42 Administration
30.43 Effective date
30.99 Penalty
County Council, see Ch. 31
County Officials, see Ch. 32
County Organizations, see Ch. 33
Personnel, see Ch. 35
Purchasing, see Ch. 34