   51.01   Definitions
   51.02   Disposal of certain wastes regulated
   51.03   Treatment of wastes required
   51.04   Unlawful to construct or maintain privy and certain other facilities
   51.05   Use of public sewers required
   51.06   Private sewage disposal
   51.07   Tampering with public sewer or appurtenances prohibited
   51.08   Building sewer permits
   51.09   Costs to be borne by owner
   51.10   Independent sewer for each building; exceptions
   51.11   Use of old building sewers
   51.12   Minimum standards of sewers
   51.13   Connection of building sewer into public sewer
   51.14   Inspection of building sewer
   51.15   Excavations for building sewers
   51.16   Certain substances not to be discharged
   51.17   Storm water and other unpolluted drainage
   51.18   Other types of prohibited discharges
   51.19   Interceptors
   51.20   Interceptors to be maintained by owners
   51.21   Certain discharges subject to review and approval of Superintendent
   51.22   Preliminary treatment facilities
   51.23   When manholes required
   51.24   Test standards
   51.25   Special agreements
   51.26   Sewer service charge
   51.27   Surcharge
   51.28   Surcharge adjusted each year; method
   51.29   Determination of quantity of waste
   51.30   Inspection of wastes
   51.31   Standards used for inspections
   51.32   Determination by Superintendent binding
   51.33   Certain costs included in surcharge
   51.34   Billing for sewer service charge
   51.35   Billing of surcharge
   51.36   Delinquent bills
   51.37   Delinquent bills of customers not using town water
   51.38   Adjustment of billing
   51.39   Interfering with sewerage works
   51.40   Right to enter
   51.41   Clerk authorized to exclude certain industrial wastes
   51.42   Private sewer line repair