General Provisions
53.01 Unauthorized taking of water
53.02 Inspection of building water plumbing
53.03 Limitation of liability
53.04 Damage to city water system facilities
53.05 Relocation of existing city-owned facilities
53.06 Extension of public or private water mains
53.07 Definitions
Water Service
53.15 Authority to operate valves to cut on or cut off water service
53.16 Unlawful to resell water without consent of city
53.17 Regulation of use of bypass
53.18 Service limits of service connections and meters defined
53.19 Master water cut-off to be furnished by property owner
53.20 Right of entry
Service Connections
53.35 Size of meter for a service connection
53.36 Application for and installation of water service connection
53.37 Fire line service connections
53.38 When connections required
Cross-Connection Control
53.50 Definition
53.51 Backflow protective devices
53.52 Testing of backflow protective devices
Fees and Charges; Deposits
53.65 New service
53.66 User charges
53.67 Discontinuance of service for nonpayment
53.68 Statement left unpaid upon move to new location
53.69 Payment of cost of repairs for damage to water system
Emergency Drought Response
53.75 Declaration of policy, purpose and intent
53.76 Non-essential water use
53.77 Responses to moderate, severe, and extreme drought alert phases
53.78 Water rates
53.79 Further emergency measures
53.80 Enforcement
53.81 Variances
53.82 Termination of drought alert
53.99 Penalty
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship or other business entity acting by or through its officer, employee, or agent to take water from a fire hydrant within the city limits of the City of Monroe or any other city source , without the written consent of the Director of Water Resources. Possession of a permit authorizing the taking of water issued by Union County or jurisdiction other than the city is invalid within the city limits.
(B) In addition to other sanctions provided in § 10.99 of this code, violators of this section shall be subject to the following civil penalties:
(1) First citation | $100 |
(2) Second citation for same or similar violation | $200 |
(3) Third and subsequent citations for same or similar violations | $500 |
(Ord. passed 8-16-94; Am. Ord. O-2002-52, passed 8-20-02)
All work performed in the construction or repair of the building water plumbing, defined as the piping and valves between the city's meter for that service and the building and including piping in the interior of the building, shall satisfy all laws and regulatory requirements including provisions of the North Carolina Building Code, Section II Plumbing. All such work shall be performed and approved under a plumbing permit issued by the Union County Inspections Department. The city may discontinue water service to a building for which this provision has not been met.
(Ord. passed 8-16-94)