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Monroe Overview
Monroe Code of Ordinances
Monroe, North Carolina, Code of Ordinances
   55.01   Definitions
   55.02   General regulations
   55.03   Charge for city collection
   55.04   Residential collection required
   55.05   Regulations for city customers
   55.06   Regulations for non-city contracted bulk container services
   55.07   Collection of recyclables
   55.08   Collection of bulky items, appliances, and white goods
   55.09   Collection of yard waste
   55.10   Collection of solid waste and recycling in downtown Monroe solid waste boundary
   55.11   Dumpster enclosure requirements
   55.12   Removal of debris resulting from construction, demolition or repair of buildings
   55.13   Removal of dead animals, ashes, contagious disease material, hypodermic instruments and hazardous waste
   55.14   Reporting requirements
   55.15   Violations and enforcement
   55.16   Notice of violations and civil penalties
   55.17   Adjudicatory hearing
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING MATERIAL (ALSO CALLED CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION MATERIAL). Brick, stone, carpet, plumbing materials, plaster, concrete, asphalt, roofing, floor coverings, gutters or other material or substances accumulated as a result of construction, repairs, or additions to existing structures or accessory structures or demolition of such.
   BULK CONTAINER (ALSO CALLED “DUMPSTER”). A metal container of not less than two cubic yards nor larger than eight cubic yards, made of watertight construction with doors opening on two sides and the top and constructed so that it can be emptied mechanically by specialty equipped trucks.
   BULKY ITEMS. Means, but is not limited to, items such as household furnishings, household appliances, mattresses, box springs, lawn equipment (such as sidewalk vacuums, rototillers, wheelbarrows, and other similar household items) and children’s toys.
   BUSINESS TRASH. Any accumulation of incidental waste products and garbage, other than household trash, which is associated with the operation of stores, offices, and commercial establishments.
   CITY. The City of Monroe, North Carolina, or its agents or contractors.
   CITY MANAGER. The person or persons designated by the City Council to perform duties and responsibilities as chief executive officer for the City of Monroe.
   COLLECTION. The act of removing solid waste from a point of generation to an approved disposal site.
   CONTAINER. Any bulk container, detachable container, recyclables container or rollout container as defined herein.
   DETACHABLE CONTAINER (ALSO CALLED ROLL-OFF CONTAINER). A metal unit varying in capacity between 15 cubic yards and 40 cubic yards made of watertight construction which is used for collecting, storing and transporting solid waste, building materials, business trash, and industrial waste. The unit may or may not use an auxiliary stationary packing mechanism for compaction of materials into the container and may be open or enclosed. The distinguishing feature of the DETACHABLE CONTAINER is that it is picked up by a specially equipped truck for transporting the waste materials to the disposal site.
   FOUL ODORS. Any offensive odor emanating from, but not limited to, garbage, trash or waste.
   GARBAGE. A by-product of animal or vegetable foodstuffs resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food or other matter which is subject to decomposition, decay, and/or the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odors, or which during and/or after decay may serve as breeding or feeding material for flies, insects, and/or animals.
   HAZARDOUS WASTE. Potentially dangerous by-products which cannot be handled, treated, or disposed of without special precautions. HAZARDOUS WASTE includes ignitable, corrosive, reactive, and toxic wastes such as acetone, gasoline, industrial metal, alkaline cleaners, acids, batteries, cyanide, chlorine, arsenic, pesticide wastes, paint, caustics, infected materials, offal, fecal matter (human and animal), and explosives.
   HOUSEHOLD TRASH. Accumulation of sweepings, rags, or other material of any kind, other than garbage and recyclables, which is usually attendant to housekeeping.
   INDUSTRIAL WASTE. All waste (except hazardous waste), including solids, semi-solids, sludges, and liquids created by factories, processing plants or other manufacturing enterprises, (sometimes referred to as special waste, as it requires special handling).
   JUNK/BULKY ITEMS. Any item creating a littered condition, including but not limited to household or office furnishings, household appliances, mattresses, box springs, lawn equipment or other similar items (see definition of BULKY ITEMS above) which are either in a wholly or partially rusted, wrecked, junked, dismantled, or inoperative condition.
   PORTABLE PACKING UNITS (ALSO CALLED COMPACTORS). A metal container not exceeding 4,500 pounds gross weight with a four-to-eight cubic yard capacity that contains a packing mechanism and an internal or external power unit.
   RECYCLABLES. Newspapers and accompanying inserts, magazines, junk mail, cardboard, glass, food and beverage containers, plastic soft drink and liquor bottles, spiral paper cans, aluminum, bimetal cans, steel and tin cans, yard waste and other items determined by the Solid Waste Coordinator to be recyclable.
   RECYCLABLES CONTAINER. A container designed and authorized by the city solely for the purpose of collecting recyclables. It shall be subject to the collection regulations pertaining to recyclables.
   ROLLOUT CONTAINER (ALSO CALLED ROLLOUT CART). The authorized wheeled garbage disposal container approved by the city for use by garbage collection services.
   SOLID WASTE. Accumulations consisting of any combination of business trash, garbage, household trash, bulky items, yard waste, industrial waste, recyclables and junk.
   SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR. An employee appointed by the City Manager who is responsible for managing, monitoring, and enforcing the city’s solid waste program, including the provisions of this chapter.
   YARD WASTE. Grass, weeds, leaves, tree trimmings, plants, shrubbery pruning, and such other similar materials which are generated in the maintenance of yards and gardens, which are separate from other solid waste materials and placed in a designated recycling collection area. Yard waste shall not include trees, tree limbs, brush and other material resulting from commercial tree trimmers and/or commercial lawn care services.
(Ord. O-1999-86, passed 12-7-99; Am. Ord. O-2012-23, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. O-2015-08, passed 6-2-15)
   The City Manager may promulgate such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this chapter as he or she deems advisable to safeguard the health and welfare of the citizens of the city in the disposal of garbage, ashes, and other refuse. The collection, removal and disposition of all solid waste from within the city shall be under the jurisdiction and enforcement of the solid waste coordinator and his or her authorized agents, except otherwise provided by the ordinances of the city.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to endanger the public health, safety and welfare through the neglect of property by causing or allowing unsightly garbage, weeds and grass, yard waste, foul odor, dead animals, junk, unsecured appliances or potentially dangerous devices to remain on or emanate from property, or to discard or abandon or cause such on public property, private property, vacant lots or any pond, stream or body of water or banks thereof within the city limits.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this chapter.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful to dispose of or discard any solid waste on private or public property, unless such disposal occurs with the owner’s permission and conforms to all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to put, place or throw any garbage, trash, yard waste, or bulky items on any sidewalk or in a public street, public alley or other public place in the city. Such materials shall be disposed of legally as specified in this chapter.
   (E)   No person shall interfere with the contents of any receptacle or container set out for removal by the city and/or its contractor unless by express written permission of the city.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful to interfere with or hinder city collection personnel and/or the city’s authorized contractor in the performance of collection duties.
   (G)   It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, not authorized by the city, to collect, pick up or cause to be collected or picked up, any garbage, trash, yard waste, bulky items, solid waste or recyclables from any residential dwelling unit or small business located within the solid waste boundary for downtown Monroe.
   (H)   It shall be unlawful for any construction and/or demolition contractor or property owner to fail to provide onsite containers for loose debris, material waste, scrap, building materials, and other trash produced by those working on the site.
   (I)   The city shall have the authority to require additional containers if necessary to provide property containerization of solid waste.
   (J)   Dirt, mud, construction materials, or other debris deposited on any public or private property as a result of the construction or demolition shall be immediately removed by the contractor. Construction sites shall be kept clean and orderly at all times.
   (K)   Ninety-five gallon containers furnished by the city and/or its contractor shall be used solely for the storage of garbage and recycling only. No container other than the 95 gallon containers furnished by the city shall be used for the storage of garbage and recycling.
(Ord. O-1999-86, passed 12-7-99; Am. Ord. O-2012-23, passed 10-2-12; Am. Ord. O-2015-08, passed 6-2-15) Penalty, see § 55.15
   Agreements and contracts for solid waste services, including rate schedules, replacement cost and service regulations set forth by the City Council are recorded in the City Schedule of Fees and Charges on file in the City Clerk’s office.
(Ord. O-1999-86, passed 12-7-99; Am. Ord. O-2012-23, passed 10-2-12)