Editor's note. The Charter set out in this division was prepared and adopted pursuant to the provisions of the 28th Amendment to the state Constitution and ratified by the electorate of the Town of Middletown at the general election held November 5, 1968. The Charter became effective December 16, 1968. The frontal section analysis has been added and a number of article headings and section catchlines have been amplified by the editors for the purpose of clarity, and neither the article headings nor section catchlines are to be regarded as official. A uniform system of capitalization has been adopted, and words in brackets have been added; otherwise, no change has been made in the Charter as ratified by the voters.
   This Charter was ratified, confirmed and validated by the general assembly by P.L. 1969, ch. 52, set out in art. 1 of div. 2 of this part of the Code.
Article I. Basic Provisions.
   § 101.   Inhabitants incorporated as town with powers and duties of a town.
   § 102.   Form of government.
Article II. The Town Council.
   § 201.   Number; selection and term of members.
   § 202.   Qualifications of members: vacancy occurs if member becomes disqualified.
   § 203.   Meetings.
   § 204.   Presiding officer.
   § 205.   Compensation of president and members.
   § 206.   Power to inquire and make investigations.
   § 207.   Power to determine policy; other enumerated powers.
   § 208.   Town budget; expenditures prior to adoption of annual budget, and loans in anticipation of tax revenues; fiscal year defined.
   § 209.   Filling vacancies in membership.
   § 210.   Rules for conduct of meetings; votes to be public; executive sessions.
   § 211.   Conflicts of interest.
Article III. The Town Administrator.
   § 301.   Status, and responsibility generally.
   § 302.   By whom chosen; qualifications; residence.
   § 303.   Appointment, term of office, suspension and removal.
   § 304.   Enumeration of powers and duties.
   § 305.   Non-interference by the council.
   § 306.   Authority to perform duties of other administrative officers, and to assign duties of two or more administrative officers to one person.
   § 307.   Who acts in absence of town administrator.
   § 308.   Filling vacancy in office; interim town administrator.
   § 309   Compensation.
Article IV. Initiative and Referendum.
   § 401.   General provisions.
   § 402.   Initiative procedure; submittal of proposed ordinance to electorate if not adopted or adopted in altered form.
   § 403.   Referendum upon initiative of council.
   § 404.   Recall/removal.
Article V. Elections.
   § 501.   Laws and conditions applicable.
   § 502.   Canvassing authority.
Article VI. Town Officials; Municipal Court; Probate.
   § 601.   Town clerk; deputy town clerk.
   § 602.   (Redesignated as § 704.)
   § 603.   (Redesignated as § 1001.)
   § 604.   Reserved.
   § 605.   (Redesignated as § 711.)
   § 606.   (Redesignated as § 709.)
   § 607.   Town solicitor.
   § 608.   Judge of the Municipal Court.
   § 609.   Appointment of probate judge.
   § 610.   Registry of probate court.
Article VII. Town Departments.
   § 701.   Police.
   § 702.   Fire.
   § 703.   Public works.
   § 704.   Tax assessor.
   § 705.   Parks and recreation.
   § 706.   Finance.
   § 707.   Middletown Public Library, Board of Trustees.
   § 708.   Senior Citizens' Center.
   § 709.   Building official.
   § 710.   Planning.
   § 711.   Town engineer.
Article VIII. School Department.
   § 801.   School committee - Established; number and election of members.
   § 802.   Same - Qualifications of members; disqualification of member causes vacancy.
   § 803.   Same - Filling vacancies.
   § 804.   Same - Compensation of members; expenses of members.
   § 805.   Same - Powers and duties.
   § 806.   Same - Organization, rules and journal of proceedings.
   § 807.   Same - Regular meetings.
   § 808.   Superintendent of schools; appointment, qualifications, and powers and duties.
   § 809.   Same - Removal from office.
   § 810.   Department personnel.
   § 811.   Policy making and administration; school committee not to interfere with superintendent.
   § 812.   Budget; school committee to incur no obligation beyond amount provided by budget.
   § 813.   Cooperative maintenance of buildings and grounds.
   § 814.   Purchasing; financial records and vouchers.
   § 815.   School committee to hold open meetings, except for executive sessions; actions required to be done in open meetings.
Article IX. Personnel.
   § 901.   Personnel board - Established; number, qualifications and appointment of members.
   § 902.   Same - Compensation of members.
   § 903.   Same - Powers and duties enumerated.
   § 904.   Positions excepted from classified service.
   § 905.   Temporary appointments when no list is available.
   § 906.   Probationary period.
   § 907.   Regular appointment.
   § 908.   Emergency appointments.
   § 909.   Services of other agencies authorized for certain purposes.
   § 910.   Demotions and dismissals.
   § 911.   Personnel review board.
   § 912.   Retirement of town employees.
   § 913.   Right to organize; strikes.
   § 914.   Political activity.
Article X. Miscellany.
   § 1001.   Board of assessment review.
   § 1002.   Public records.
   § 1003.   Conflicts of interest.
   § 1004.   Codification and revision of ordinances.
   § 1005.   Annual audit.
   § 1006.   Juvenile hearing board.
   § 1007.   Fees, penalties and payments collected by town officials and agencies.
   § 1008.   Planning board.
   § 1009.   Zoning board of review.
Article XI. Inauguration and Succession.
   § 1101.   Effective date.
   § 1102.   Transfer of appropriations.
   § 1103.   Ordinances to implement Charter.
   § 1104.   Reserved.
   § 1105.   Continuation of ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations.
   § 1106.   Continuation of tax obligation.
   § 1107.   Actions and proceedings pending when Charter took effect.
   § 1108.   Reserved.
   § 1109.   Reserved.
   § 1110.   Complaints by qualified electors of Charter violations.
   § 1111.   Reserved.
   § 1112.   Continuance of contracts and obligations.
Article XII. Amendment of Charter; Separability of Provisions of Charter.
   § 1201.   General provisions.
   § 1202.   Form of ballot.
   § 1203.   Separability.