There shall be a department of finance headed by a finance director, who shall have ten years prior financial management experience in the public or private sectors and be appointed by the town administrator. There may also be a deputy finance director, appointed by the town administrator, who shall assist the finance director and shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the office of finance director in case of the absence or disability of the finance director. The finance director shall act as town treasurer and purchasing agent and shall exercise those powers and perform those duties prescribed for these offices now or in the future by this Charter and the Constitution and laws of the state. The finance director shall also have such additional powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the town administrator. (Amended, November 5, 2002; Amended, November 4, 2008; Amended, November 6, 2018.)
Middletown shall have a Senior Citizen's Center to provide services to the residents of the town of Middletown who have attained the age of fifty five (55) or older.
The Center shall have an Executive Director, appointed by the Town Administrator, and confirmed by the Town Council, whose primary responsibilities will be to develop and administer all Senior Citizens' Center programs, prepare necessary budgets for Center operations and initiate broad based programs to serve the senior community. A nine (9) member advisory Board of Directors, all of whom shall be residents of Middletown, shall be appointed by the Town Council. (Added, November 5, 2002.)
There shall be a building department that is headed by a building official who shall be appointed by the town administrator and shall be responsible for the supervision and enforcement of ordinances relating to buildings, zoning, trailer parks, and other matters assigned to him or her by the town administrator or the town council. (Added, November 4, 2008.)
There may be a town engineer appointed by the town administrator. The town engineer shall be a civil engineer, a registered professional engineer, and need not be a resident of the Town of Middletown. He or she may be appointed to serve either full time or part time. He or she shall be available to provide engineering advice and services to the town administrator, the town council, and all other departments, offices and agencies of the town government. He or she shall be responsible for the custody and proper maintenance of all the files and records that pertain to his or her office, including surveys, plans, maps and the like. He or she shall maintain these files and records in the Town of Middletown. The results of all engineering studies or similar work he or she performs for the town shall become the property of the town. (Added, November 4, 2008; Amended, November 6, 2018.)