Oil and Gas Wells
749.01   Definitions.
749.02   Compliance required; conditional use permits required.
749.03   Permit fee; deposits; insurance.
749.04   Permit application.
749.05   Review of application and plans.
749.06   Inspections by geologist or petroleum engineer.
749.07   Commencement of drilling; termination of permit.
749.08   Location of wells.
749.09   Procedure for abandonment.
749.10   Plugging of abandoned wells.
749.11   Discovery of abandoned wells during construction.
749.12   Drilling.
749.13   Fencing and landscaping.
749.14   Maintenance of equipment.
749.15   Fire safety standards.
749.16   Notice of spills, emergencies etc.; reports; correction of hazardous conditions.
749.17   Inspections.
749.18   Brine and waste disposal plan.
749.19   Testing of water supply.
749.99   Penalty.
         Oil and gas - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1509
         Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3741
         Dangerous oil or gas wells - see GEN. OFF. 660.21 
         Gases and fumes - see GEN. OFF. 660.18 
         Monitoring/recovery wells - see FIRE PREV. 1503.065