(a)   The City Engineer shall review the site development plan, any anti-erosion plan to be submitted by the applicant and all other information submitted to the Planning Commission as required by this chapter, and shall recommend to the Commission whether or not the applicant's proposal complies with this chapter and what additional conditions should be imposed, if any, if the Commission grants a conditional use permit.
   (b)   The hydrologist shall review the application to determine whether or not the proposed well site is in a ground water recharge area, shall further review all information submitted to the Commission to determine the effect of the well on surface and ground water and shall submit his or her recommendations to the Commission as to whether or not the applicant's proposal complies with this chapter and what additional conditions should be imposed, if any, if the Commission grants a conditional use permit.
   (c)   The geologist or petroleum engineer shall review all information submitted by the applicant with respect to the geology of the site and surrounding area to determine if the proposed drilling and production methods comply with all laws and regulations and sound engineering practice.
(Ord. 1986-6. Passed 4-28-87.)