Every application for a permit to drill an original well or to re-enter an abandoned well shall be in writing, signed by the applicant or by some person duly authorized to sign the same on his or her behalf, and shall be accompanied by the permit fee. No application shall request a permit to drill more than one well. The application shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) The applicant shall file a copy, of the State permit application as submitted to the Division of Oil and Gas; including all salt water disposal plans and a surveyor's map. The applicant shall provide the Planning Commission with a plan for the handling, storage, removal and disposal of drilling fluids and materials, salt water, frac-water, sludge and other gas and oil field waste. In addition, the applicant shall submit a proposed schedule listing when site preparation is to begin, when drilling is to begin and end, when drilling equipment is to be removed, when access roads are to be installed and completed, when permanent storage tanks are to be erected, when transmission lines are to be installed and when production is to commence.
(b) The applicant shall submit a statement naming the land owner, the owner if different than the land owner, the producer and all contractors.
(c) The applicant shall submit a schematic drawing of the loading area and measures to be taken for removal of brine and oil from storage tanks in order to confine any spillage of the same. Such schematic drawing shall show an aerial view and side view, indicating the location of the separator, tank, sump and loading area.
(d) The applicant shall submit a site development plan to be reviewed by the Commission. Such plan shall conform to the following requirements:
(1) North arrows shall be shown.
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the record owner of the property, the applicant and the driller shall be given.
(3) A vicinity map to a convenient scale shall be included, showing the following:
A. Property lines, boundary lines of drilling units, streets, right of ways, corporation lines and easements adjacent to the site;
B. The well site;
C. The tank battery site;
D. Proposed permanent and construction drive locations;
E. Piping from the well to the tanks and from tanks to the point of connection to the existing supply line;
F. The nearest dwelling or occupied building and the nearest water well in every quadrant, indicating the same by showing an arrow and the distance in each quadrant to the nearest dwelling, building and water well; and
G. Watercourses, tree lines, marshes, water impoundments or other significant natural or man-made features within 2,000 feet of the site.
(4) Enlarged details shall be provided at the well site and the tank battery site showing the following:
A. Well appurtenances, such as tanks, separators, piping valves, pits and dikes;
B. Fences, to be provided around both the well site and the tank battery site. Such fence shall be a cyclone fence, a minimum of eight feet high with three strands of barbed wire on top. Gates shall have provision for locking. An additional gate shall be provided at the driveway entrance, outside the right of way, to prevent unauthorized vehicles from entering the site. Detail of the gate shall be shown on the plan.
C. Existing contours, with a minimum interval of two feet, within 100 feet of the outer boundaries delineating the area of the proposed well site, pits, storage tanks and other temporary or permanent fixtures associated with either drilling or production. Spoil pile locations shall be shown.
D. Drainage structures, sized in accordance with criteria available through the City Engineer;
(5) Details as to width and composition of the proposed permanent driveway shall be provided. The minimum driveway width shall be ten feet. The minimum requirement for driveway material shall be a graded, crushed aggregate of a size, and placed to a thickness, sufficient to prevent displacement under anticipated loading. The permanent driveway shall serve both the well and tank sites. Details of the temporary construction drive which shall be installed to provide access and a staging area for equipment and materials shall be provided. This drive shall not be less than forty feet in width at the street, tapering to not less than thirty feet at the right of way, and extending from the right of way a minimum distance of 100 feet onto private property. It shall be constructed of a graded, crushed aggregate of a size, and placed to a thickness, to prevent displacement under the anticipated loading. If required by the City Engineer, a properly sized culvert shall be installed at the street (minimum requirement is twelve-inch diameter, sixteen gauge with annular ends). Unless the temporary drive is incorporated into the permanent drive, it shall be removed along with the culvert, and the area shall be restored to its original condition when the well site is restored. Positive drainage shall be maintained around this area at all times. The anticipated loading shall include, in each case, the heaviest fire-fighting equipment owned by the City.
(6) Typical cross-sections through diked areas around tanks shall be shown. Specify liners and the method of securing the same. State the volume of each diked area (minimum volume to be twice the tank capacity). No direct discharge will be permitted from the containment areas. Contents must be pumped out and removed from the site along with the brine. All other requirements of the National Fire Codes and the National Fire Protection Association shall be met, and dikes shall be maintained during the entire time of well construction and operation.
(7) Restoration details shall be included. All disturbed areas shall be fine graded, seeded and mulched on completion of grading operations. Between November 1 and March 1, apply mulch only. Temporary mulch shall be removed and areas dressed, seeded and mulched after March 1. If, in the opinion of City Engineer, due to unique conditions of the site, a potential for erosion or sedimentation exists, a review by the County Soil and Water Conservation District may be required. Recommendations prompted by its review or by the City Engineer shall be incorporated in the site development plan. Weather permitting, restoration shall be completed within sixty days after drilling is complete. All landscaping, locations and plant types proposed for screening purposes shall be shown.
(8) An equipment list of those items to be installed at the site by all subcontractors to be employed and the work they will perform shall be provided. A list of temporary equipment to be utilized during the drilling operation, including complete information on the blow-out preventer, shall be provided.
(9) Typical trench sections for pipe lines showing depth of line, trench width and backfill, including bedding and encasement details (where applicable), shall be provided.
(10) Pressure testing procedures will be performed on all lines transporting gas (minimum requirement is two times anticipated operating pressure).
(11) Within thirty days after commencement of production, an as-built mylar reproducible of the site development plan shall be submitted to the City for record.
(12) A description of the drilling procedures to be followed, including the intended depth of drilling, the method of extraction of oil and gas and the method for abandonment of the well, shall be attached. Also attached shall be a list of names and addresses of all persons engaged in the process of site preparation, drilling, production, removal of brine or oil, transmission of gas or any other activity necessary for the drilling and production of gas and oil on the well under consideration for a conditional use permit. The applicant shall also submit a list showing the names and addresses of all property owners with 1,000 feet of any boundary line of the drilling unit, based upon the most recent tax duplicate for the County.
(e) Where the application is one for re-entry of an abandoned well, the information shall contain all of the information required by this section and shall also provide the following:
(1) A statement of the current condition of the well; and
(2) Evidence of current tests establishing the integrity of the casing strings and cementing as would be required for drilling of a new well.
(Ord. 1986-6. Passed 4-28-87.)