After a conditional use permit has been granted, the applicant shall meet with the City geologist or City petroleum engineer to coordinate inspection of the drilling of gas and oil wells and to permit such geologist or petroleum engineer to inspect the site after the issuance of the permit. The geologist or petroleum engineer shall be responsible for inspections and may approve or disapprove any act or omission of the applicant in furtherance of drilling, production or abandonment of any oil or gas well at any stage, which does not conform to this chapter or State law, and shall be present during the following stages:
   (a)   He or she shall observe, and along with the City Engineer approve, the actual site for construction and drilling of the well and the well site area.
   (b)   He or she shall observe completion of the surface hole and approve the method and amount of cementing or surface casing of the well.
   (c)   He or she shall provide inspections of the well site during drilling of the remainder of the hole.
   (d)   He or she shall be present prior to fracturing the well for water flowback room and spillage control, shall approve fracturing the well and shall also be present to observe flow back of frac-water during the fracturing process.
   (e)   He or she shall provide inspections of the flowback pit during the swabbing phase after fracturing to ensure spillage and contamination control, and shall approve, along with the City Engineer, prior to drilling, pit placement and size (steel pits required rather than temporary drilling pits), as described in Section 749.12 (27), and the methods of containing flow back and liquids to be contained in the pit during drilling and removal of drilling materials from the pit.
   (f)   He or she shall inspect and approve tank battery construction, location and equipment and shall inspect the completed and reclaimed location of the well construction site area.
   (g)   He or she shall inspect and approve capping of the well (or plugging).
   (h)   He or she shall inspect and approve abandonment of the well.
   The applicant shall fill and level all areas excavated for pits within seven days after the applicant is ready to commence production and shall restore the land to its original condition. The applicant shall remove all drilling materials, fluids and sludge from the pit and haul such materials outside the City for disposal.
(Ord. 1986-6. Passed 4-28-87.)