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Mentor Overview
Codified Ordinances of Mentor, OH
Board of Building and Zoning Appeals Rules and Procedures
157.01   Election of officers.
157.02   Recording Secretary.
157.03   Removal of members.
157.04   Regular meetings.
157.05   Special meetings.
157.06   Cancellation of meetings.
157.07   Order of business.
157.08   Agenda.
157.09   Time set for hearing.
157.10   Hearings.
157.11   Conduct of public hearings.
157.12   Conduct at hearing on merits.
157.13   Jurisdiction.
157.14   Quorum and voting.
157.15   Application.
157.16   Delivery of rules to applicant.
157.17   Amendments to application.
157.18   Amendments to rules.
157.19   Decision.
157.20   Transcript.
157.21   Subpoena.
157.22   Costs.
157.23   Witness fees.
Board of Zoning and Building Appeals - see CHTR. 6.02
Procedure - see CHTR. 6.05
Conflict of interest - see CHTR. 8.08
State law provisions - see Ohio R.C. 713.11
Zoning powers and duties - see P. & Z. Ch. 1131
   The Board annually shall elect from its members a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary who shall serve for a term of approximately one (1) year commencing with the first meeting of the calendar year subsequent to Council appointments and continuing until the first meeting of the next succeeding year subsequent to Council appointments.
   The Chairman shall preside at all meetings. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall be the presiding officer. In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, the Secretary shall be the presiding officer.
(Ord. 10-O-51. Passed 7-6-10.)
   The Recording Secretary shall be the Assistant Clerk of Council or designee and shall keep the minutes of the meetings and records of the Board.
(Ord. 14-O-95. Passed 10-7-14; Ord. 20-O-024. Passed 3-3-20.)
   (a)    A member of the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals may be expelled or removed from the Board for one or more of the following reasons.
      (1)   Conviction while in office of a felony or other crime involving moral turpitude,
      (2)   Violation of his oath of office, including gross misconduct or malfeasance or nonfeasance in, or disqualification for office, or
      (3)    Continuous absence from more than three consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals without a valid reason or excused absence by the Chairman or absence from more than fifty percent of the regular meetings during any twelve-month period.
   (b)    Action to remove a member from the Board can be brought by two or more members of the Board, in writing, specifying the reasons for requesting removal. A date will be set for a public hearing. The accused member shall be notified in writing of the charge or charges against him at least fifteen (15) days in advance of such public hearing and he or his counsel shall be given an opportunity to be heard, present evidence, and examine witnesses appearing in support of such charge or charges.
   (c)    Expulsion or removal from the Board shall be upon the concurrence of five (5) or more members of the Board of Building and Zoning Appeals after a public hearing upon the charge or charges brought and thereupon the office of any such removed or expelled member of the Board shall be vacant. The City Council will be notified of the vacancy on the Board so that a replacement member can be appointed.
(Ord. 10-O-51. Passed 7-6-10.)