The Board shall conduct a public hearing before conducting a hearing on the merits of the case. At the beginning of the public hearing, the presiding officer shall inform the members of the public in attendance of the nature of the relief sought by reading or summarizing the notice thereof. The presiding officer shall also briefly describe the rights of the applicant. To more fully acquaint the public with the nature of the case, the presiding officer may call upon the applicant or City representative to comment upon same.
   Any person wishing to be heard shall give his or her name and address. At the time designated by the presiding officer, any person wishing to be heard shall be recognized by the presiding officer to speak for or against the relief sought. The presiding officer shall regulate the hearing so that all comments shall be precise, to the point, and non-repetitive.
(Ord. 10-O-51. Passed 7-6-10.)