167.01 Fair Housing Board.
167.02 Administrator.
167.03 Complaints.
167.04 Notice.
167.05 Investigation.
167.06 Conciliation.
167.07 Injunctive relief.
167.08 Hearings.
167.09 Hearing decisions.
167.10 Remedial actions.
167.11 Judicial relief.
167.12 Additional remedies.
Complaints filed by elderly, low or moderate income persons for municipal housing discrimination - see Ohio R.C. 717.01
Ohio Civil Rights Board - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4112
Discriminatory housing practice; notification of Superintendent of Real
Estate - see Ohio R.C. 4735.13
Interfering with civil rights - see GEN. OFF. 525.13
Fair Housing - see Ch. 1175