Municipal Planning Commission Rules and Regulations
155.01   Election of officers.
155.02   Chairman.
155.03   Vice-Chairman.
155.04   Secretary.
155.05   Recording Secretary.
155.06   Legal counsel.
155.07   Vacancy of officer.
155.08   Regular meetings.
155.09   Special meetings.
155.10   Meetings open to public.
155.11   Meeting agenda.
155.12   Agenda requirements.
155.13   Order of business.
155.14   Meeting time restrictions.
155.15   Quorum.
155.16   Absence of members.
155.17   Passage of motions.
155.18   Zoning and land use change.
155.19   Motion to reconsider.
155.20   Changes to Zoning Code or Subdivision Code.
155.21   Minor subdivisions.
155.22   Roll call or vote of Chairman.
155.23   Expenditure of City funds.
155.24   Applicant or appellant fees.
155.25   Removal of members.
155.26   Materials for broadcast.
155.27   Decision.
Planning Commission - see CHTR. 6.01
Procedure - see CHTR. 6.05
Conflict of interest - see CHTR. 8.08
State law provisions - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 711, 713
Subdivision Regulations administration - see P. & Z. Ch. 1107
Site development plans - see P. & Z. Ch. 1133
Conditional use permits - see P. & Z. Ch. 1135
Zoning amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. 1137