(a) Membership; Term.
(1) The subcommittee shall consist of five members, each appointed by the Mayor.
(2) Two of the members shall be members of the Citizens Advisory Committee and shall be appointed for the duration of their terms on the Citizens Advisory Committee. The term of the three members appointed at large shall be three years, except that of the initial appointments to the subcommittee, one member shall be appointed for a one-year term, one member shall be appointed for a two-year term and one member shall be appointed for a three-year term.
(3) The membership shall contain representative leaders of minority groups and, when possible, should include representatives of such other groups as real estate, home building, labor, financial institutions, health and welfare organizations and the local housing authority.
(b) Duties. The subcommittee shall report and recommend to the Citizens Advisory Committee any action, program or plan which the subcommittee finds or determines to be necessary or advisable for the securing of better housing opportunities for all ethnic and minority groups residing within the City.
(Ord. 25-67. Passed 3-13-67.)